What grinds your gears?

Screw this stupid internet; definitely not tonight:

I have Internet issues too but it’s because my laptop is fucked up unfortunately.

I don’t have a running water from 7am and the man who should repair that have a third break during the 5h…

Mail delivery services claiming to bring your stuff somewhere on a specific date without a specific time, so you either have to wait all day at home or risk having it delivered at the neighbors.

Help, it’s stuck on this screen:

Task manager not working?

Try holding the power button down for a few seconds and do a hard boot.

Good luck with that. It took mine about 2 hours to function again after this.

Oh wow, looks like a nasty system crash.

Did your Windows 10 have an update or did you install something new before this happened?

W10 is just a PC killer.

Yeah it totally sucks, that’s why they offered it for free for so long… :confused:

Am I the only one enjoying W10?

I should’ve stuck with 8.1. I wonder what happened to W9


I haven’t had any issues with it so far, runs smoothly, way better than 7. My only concern is the huge amount of updates it has every once in a while, it’s a long process.

Good luck indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

Windows 8/8.1 was the worst[quote=“EvoOba, post:773, topic:11964”]
runs smoothly, way better than 7

Windows 7 pretty much never crashed, but from windows 8 onwards, always crashed.

8 was pretty solid to me. Had no real issues.

I’m sure 8.1 crashed very often as well, in fact slightly more often than 10 :stuck_out_tongue:

Never had 8, 7 was running on a pretty beat up laptop but it was good. 10 on my new one is great… so far at least.

I am glad that I don’t use 8.1 anymore, that was just not it for me. Windows 10 does not support some of the programs I liked to use. And I just dislike it alot that Windows Movie Maker is not available in windows 10 :frowning:

And since about a few months I’ve been having this strange system error that pops up. It doesn’t really do anything, it’s just a notification of some exe file not working anymore. I basically just put the box with the notification in the lowest corner of the screen and can still go on with my computer needs. But when I want to log off, I have to use ctrl+alt+delete because the exit button won’t work otherwise.

8.1 wasn’t for me nor my family; they were wondering where the start menu was.

At least it doesn’t crash the whole damn thing (hopefully)

Windows 8 and 8.1 were meant for touchscreen devices, really. If it were on a tablet it made more sense but on a computer it’s just useless.

The error doesn’t really crash my system, thankfully no.