What grinds your gears?

that’s most annoying part, I know I can drive quite well, but I just keep failing those stupid exams.

Sometimes you can also be unlucky when you have an examinator that just doesn’t seem to like you. Or is it just a stress thing in your case?

I’m not really stressed before exams, just a little excited. I think the problem is the having different examinators each time. They all have different opinions and look at things differently.

The infamous alarm that hates summer more than I has gone off again.

There’s a house alarm about 400m from my house that goes off every summer. It’s been blaring for 10 mins now. A couple of summers ago it went for 36 hours straight. I counted each one.

For me it’s one of the neighbours’ van alarm, but only for at most an hour it blares.

It only took me two tests to get my licence, but I was pretty pissed when I failed my first one. They accused me of not merging properly when someone else tried to merge into MY lane without sufficient room, and some other BS stuff…

Push through and persevere.

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Currently trying to watch The Exorcist. I’m 38 mins in and it’s a pile of incoherent, badly paced garbage. The only mildly interesting thing that has happened is some woman’s candle turned into a flamethrower for half a second and it wasn’t even explained why.

It’s because of GHOSTS and DEMONS muahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


That was a bad movie.

Ghosts and demons make for excellent comedy. Earlier today I watched The conjuring. What a funny film that was. The whole horror genre is pretty much a cringe fest and ultimately a complete joke IMO.

The parody of The Exorcist with the late Leslie Nielsen was kinda fun back in the day.

Most horror is indeed more comedy. I always end up laughing during those movies.

The Conjuring (one and two) are good movies though. Some are bad but you can find some pretty good ones, mostly old ones.

In The conjuring I absolutely lost my sh*t when the ghost was on top of the cupboard, even more so when the girl started getting thrown around the room.

I just finished the wretched film. The second longest 2 ours of my life after high school biology lessons. Definitely one of the single worst films I’ve ever watched. I’d honestly rather watch Frozen for 24 hours strait then a single run of this.

all my coworkersalso me have had motivation crisis for some months, so new the new boss gave us all a written warning, WOW thats a motivation!

You should have ignored it and dared him to fire the lot of you :stuck_out_tongue: I would have wanted to see his reaction when he realized that he fired his entire workforce. lol

Some bosses don’t give a crap if their entire staff gets fired. Because then they could just hire new workers for a cheaper salary and such.

They give them a 0 hour contract, with small letters that say they won’t get paid extra when working overtime and that the 1st month salary gets paid out 2 months later, while also putting in that contract that when a worker decides to LEAVE in the first week, they will not get paid because they consider that 1st week a part of “training”. Meanwhile, they will let that same worker do the most work needed done in that 1st week. Basically having a lot of people work for nothing, unless they decide to stick around for 2 months…

I’ve seen it happen and there’s crap one can do about it :confused:

Bottom line is, it’s not always a fair game. Unfortunately any superior can and probably will take advantage of lower in rank employees.

Yeah, working for a boss generally sucks ass :confused:

I just thought of something else more mundane that grinds my gears greatly: bright lights. Whether at work, or at home in my room, I strongly prefer dim lighting.