What grinds your gears?

Did you get hijacked again? That screen grabber thing?

You need to click on the pic to see the entire pic.

great picture can´t find sth wrong hi @samuel_the_leader :relaxed:

Lol, how did that happen?

Do you wonder why the screenshot unusually tall?

did saw that it is…comp. idiot ya know Buddie :blush:

Rude people that can’t freaking wait to get out of a moving vehicle/metro/tram/

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Does your watch strap break often? (1hr ago)

It was drizzling too.

Damn! I thought those were hard to tear.

I’ve never had a strap break, but in high school there was a guy in my class who went through 3 straps in 1 year and he was a sort of nerd so he didn’t put any strain on it.

I’m glad my strap is fine because it costs a fortune to replace.

EDIT: Apparently my one would cost a whopping £45 to replace the rubber strap without even a clasp, just the strap. My battery replacement alone cost a stupid £55. Good thing I got 4 years on one battery.

I had a leather strap on my watch. Once it got torn and I just lost it… it was fine… mechanic… now I use my phone

I have no watch…:stuck_out_tongue:

I got a pocket watch but I’m using two phones so I lack a spare pocket for it.

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The small square pocket in your jeans is meant for a pocket watch.

Yeap. But those are forbidden at my job. Classical pants and all. Also if I wore jeans I would have to think where should I hide the chain.

Well, since you asked… what depresses me is that I can’t make any sense of why life exists at all. Like why the first living cells even evolved at all around 3.6 billion yrs ago, creating a little island of order in the entropy of an expanding, chaotic universe. And now here I sit, a descendent of those first micro-organisms, a product of the endlessly perpetuating cycle countless generations, and… nothing makes sense. Nothing is enough for me. Nothing that other people say they can “live for” means anything to me at all, really. I can’t find meaning, value, or purpose in anything. This has been driving me toward a mental breakdown for some time… you could say “I’m about to break,” to quote LP.

And now you may wish you hadn’t asked, perhaps, heh.

Before anyone asks: no I’m not one of those Internet “trolls.” I really am this weird… and apparently tormented by something as fundamental as just existing.

What do you do? How old are you?

I think we are here to make the world a better place for the next generation. Isn’t that the greatest thing to live for?

sidenote: we’re going deep in this thread haha

Hence why I’m always bored.