What grinds your gears?

Sorry for you
@the_termin8r are you dying already?

We have currently 22°C and I think its hot.

No, but I’m going to be. I’m supposed to be helping my dad at work today carrying heavy stuff up a load of stairs again.

Brace yourselves guys :sweat:

Wait nevermind, I thought that was the weather forecast for the coming week :joy:

Well… it’s going to be again :stuck_out_tongue: Friday’s forecast is 34, going into the weekend at 31-32.

Oh dear, it’s the same over here. Just a couple days though, this is still nothing compared to last year’s heat wave

People littering on the streets.

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Sleater_rd (362)

When it rains, it pours.
Try waking up to this once a year…lol

This time the car became a submarine


:scream: be careful!

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Stay safe out there! I hope it didn’t affect your household

Thanks and I’m on the second floor so safe.


Don’t read this if you’re sick of covid news and don’t care about my life. :joy:
I just need to write this somewhere just to get it out of my mind.

One women went up in the elevator with me, i was wearing my mask just because elevator is a closed room where you can’t really change the air. During all the time in, she was acting like breathing super hard. Then she went out of the elevator and said to me that she’s sorry because she got sick because of the mask. When i looked at her i was hoping she doesn’t have covid, even if i’m not sure that it can get to me just being with her in a same tiny room for 30 seconds.

It reminds me that i’m sick of people not wearing their masks correctly. (like my friends during my german trip, i stopped myself saying what i thought because i can be too much taxing/unbearable about rules sometimes and i know it) But wearing it on their elbow / neck, holding their used mask on their hands not by the strings but by the face part where the virus might be, putting it in their pocket or bag without a plastic bag on it, never washing their mask after one day…just because they don’t get that they won’t see the virus if its on their masks so think that it’s fine to use mask like an usual clothes. But it’s not ok at all, it’s a medical clothes and if you don’t use it properly it could be even worse than not wearing mask. When I see it i worry too much and it annoys me so badly, it’s even worse now because number of cases are increasing here and our government is not comforting at all. I feel like it’s never gonna end because people can’t just follow simple rules.

Sorry for my post, i just neeeded to take it out of my mind. :joy: Now i feel a bit relieved.


Haha I love this intro. Everything I post should have a similar disclaimer.

On masks, today I went out and was practically the only person wearing one (or maybe it just felt that way because so many weren’t). I must admit I find it difficult to breathe in the masks but I’ve always hated anything constricting my face (haha) so had to move it around, especially when it was hot this past week, it was a killer. Still, I wore it. The issue with masks is they can’t stop you getting the virus, most importantly wash your hands because any lingering germs will spread. Masks might help but I’m not sure they will prevent you or others from getting infected sadly. I’d rather people kept their distance and washed their hands more.

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Almost everyone I see with a mask that comes in work does this or none at all , well we wear them correctly for the safety of the customers, but they don’t do the same for us

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I think all measures are complementary.

Yeah i don’t get that too. It’s a bit the same in my company, we are supposed to wear it when we move in the building but nobody do it at the head office (well i do because i just feel like it’s important to show the right example and for my health too). And people from the head office are still sending warning emails to other offices / agencies of the group saying that they have to wear masks when people are walking in the building. It’s like, because they work at the head office, they feel invincible. But the virus doesn’t get any of those differences, it just goes wherever it wants to. So i don’t get that.

This is the reason I’ll never wear one. It’s a fraud

Please don’t be that guy, @rickvanmeijel. The masks were never designed to stop, nor claimed to stop the virus. They’re supposed to reduce the chance that you spread it. Picture this: you’re a soldier, you’ve been deployed to the Middle East to fight. You get given a helmet that you know full well will do exactly nothing against a 50 cal. Would you go to war without a helmet?


I’m always that guy. Right @theearlywalker? :smile:

If I remember correctly, some did claim it stopped the virus in the beginning.

Of course not, but it’s not a fair comparison because bullets and other harmful stuff come in different sizes and shapes.


That’s because some most are idiots.


Talking about the masks
@rickvanmeijel, you may not wear those as far as you’re outside. Oh and it depends on what type of mask you’re wearing. I’ve seen a lot of people in engineering respirators which usually makes no sense as paper filter can let the virus in and out. There are a lot of folks selling masks made of pure bs- so they don’t make any sense too. Oh and a mask CAN protect you from the virus as it reduces the probability of infecting because it can stop aerosols( like someone is coughing at you, his salvia splits out as an aerosol and is stopped by the mask). The thing is that covid is very contagious. So the chances of infecting from a person wearing a mask are still around 10% but WAYS less than in the case when both of you don’t wear anything.


:joy::joy: ohh lmao- yeah - YOU ALWAYS :crazy_face: ARE THAT GUY :rofl::rofl::joy: looololol @rickvanmeijel :crazy_face::joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

Omg - :joy::sweat_smile: just trying to remember the word- :thinking: wasn’t it “deamonds” :joy::joy: I’m cracking rn :joy::joy: