What grinds your gears?

Thanx for caring- :blush::yellow_heart::hugs: and yes… I can just book a new outboundflght- collateral damage 150EUR - and an experience :see_no_evil:- have a nice day Eva! :sunny::muscle:t2:

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:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: this sounds :confounded:
I just spent last week 3 hours in the DB hotline to finally get a coupon for the train travel my kids would have done on easter.
All the online forms didn’t work, also the mail hotline never responded.

If the travel from your arrival in HH to your stay on the Baltic sea is in any way complicated, I can offer to collect and drive you.
:hugs: :green_heart:


Awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: how sweet, that’s a very nice offer :grin:… Touches my heart :heart: Thank you darling :hugs: and no idea atm bc my teenager just stated “if it’s raining I don’t go at all” :scream:… I close this topic for now …

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Sorry, buuut :joy: :rofl::rofl:
Always nice, to be not alone with such troubles :grimacing:
And how well she picked the moment to announce this. :flushed: They have their talents. :laughing:
:muscle: :hugs: :green_heart:
Bonecrushing hugs for you! The fitting solution will come and you will have great holidays in the best of weather :beach_umbrella:

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Awwww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: very appreciated :kissing_heart::heart::hugs: ty :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny:

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Sounds like hell, but I’m a little confused. You drove to the south of France, you drove to the UK, you drove to Italy, but won’t drive to Hamburg?

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Wow! So complicated… :exploding_head:

:thinking: yeah! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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That is awful @theearlywalker ! Talk about customer service too! You would expect they would at least be polite about it!

I hope you manage to work it out somehow. This absolutely sucks. Sending you hugs and wishes that you have a better day :hugs: :heart: :hugs: :heart:

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Thank you guys- :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny::muscle:t2: I already feel lots better with your comments :grin:… thank you @evooba @anna834 @the_termin8r @lpfan61 and @AJ_7 :heart_eyes::heart: -

So yeah- if it would depend only on me - I would definitely drive by car- but my sweet Giuliana begged me to fly- it’s 1hr flying vs 7-9 hrs driving- and since I have 108.000 km on the speedometer … and the car gets louder and louder- I thought it is a good idea to fly- :see_no_evil: but turns out that it really wasn’t :frowning: … sucks!

However- I really feel understood and cared :heart: Thanx guys :grin::hugs:


Invest in a better car and the trips will be a lot more tolerable, you’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes.


It’s already sunday evening :expressionless: the weekend is too short!

I know someone who got stuck abroad in March and had to book a new return flight with another airline which was very expensive. Apparently they can only get a small refund if anything at all from the original airline. This whole thing has been a nightmare for the airline industry and I think they’ve really damaged their reputation long-term. I doubt many people will trust them in future and instead book very close to going perhaps or use flights less often if they can avoid it. I would still complain on Twitter about how rubbish they are, as I’m sure other people have done. Always complain to the company regardless, they need to know they suck! Hopefully you will get your vacation and all this madness will be left far behind :slight_smile:

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I don’t even know if I should laugh or be angry. Never been a fan of BMW, but if one company does it, the rest will soon follow.

What a load of shite. How many things are becoming subscription based? You can hardly own anything anymore.

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It’s even worse because the hardware is there when you buy the car, so if you know what you’re doing, you could probably botch some kind of switch to it, but still. Some cars came with heated seats as standard a decade ago. I can understand paying an extra fee ONCE when you’re buying the car if the heated seats are optional (despite the production cost being pretty low), but to repeatedly charge people is next level. It’s even worse, because a lot of people will just tolerate it which in turn just further enables BMW to keep doing it.

Exactly, it’s just a new business model for the car industry. They’ve probably seen it works well with games, so why not try right. Curious to see how succesful this will be eventually.

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It was dumb enough already that they were charging obscene amounts of money for optional extras to begin with.

I want people to just stand up to BMW and tell them to go fuck themselves.

Probably not gonna happen :joy: My guess is that there’ll be enough people who think this is a fantastic idea and buy into it

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I don’t think the Germans would tolerate it.

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This is not normal
