What grinds your gears?

Honestly, it’s in my personal interest that lockdown lasts until about August because it means that exams will be online for me :joy:. But in general, I just don’t care about this. Even if there was no lockdown, I’d probably still be locked away inside because I’ve got a truckload of stuff to do and almost none of it involves going outside.

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Y’all’s exams aren’t until August? Ours are finishing up right now. When did your semester start?

They got postponed to Aug, most of the undergrads have/had theirs since the past couple of weeks.

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Weather’s driving me up the sodding wall recently. Currently 28℃ and climbing.


Same here, i’m a bit worried about this summer (july and august).

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But yeah, worried here too.
Talked to my bosses wife down south today and she said, it’s already that hot, that she longs for the evenings.
My reaction:
:flushed: :flushed: :flushed: don’t tell me this! :hot_face: You do want me back, right? :joy:

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Hey you all :green_heart:

Yesterday did take a turn for the worst.
In the afternoon, I started the second tending round. I let the sheep out of the pen, the dogs worked the border and I build fences for the night.
Suddenly the sheep run in panic. I throw everything away, started running too.
A dog! A tourist dog was in the flock, attacking, chasing. It was a small one, a French bulldog. So at least it couldn’t really bite, but it was fast, no breathing troubles with this one.Torture breeding could have it’s advantage :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: And cause the dog was so small, it was hard to detect, also for the panicking sheep. Total chaos. The owners tried to catch their dog too. But weren’t at all successful, especially cause she had a second dog, an Dalmatian, that she just had catched in time, before it was in the flock.
I tried to animate my dogs to catch the hunter. But they have learned that I don’t want them to attack dogs of bypassing walkers. You can’t really tend sheep when your dog want to eat every tourist dog. So my dogs took my signal for the call to bring order into the flock. What of course was totally impossible with the hunting dog in between. So my dogs were now chasing too and so wound up about the chaos, that it was hard to control them. Everytime I did go for the other dog, mine started again.
The girl with the Dalmatian stopped chasing her dog but yelled at mine.
The sheep still running in all directions, but also tried to stay together. They crashed a wire that were built in their chest height, to prevent people leaving the paths.
Oh god, hopefully no one did brake anything.
Finally, the guy got his dog.
I called mine to lay down. And went to the people, asking for the number and address. It is totally forbidding to have your dog off leash in this area.
Now the girl started screaming at me, that she was helping, securing my dogs!
I got my phone out, started filming, demanding the address. She turned, stumped at me, yelled that my dogs are the evel. I yelled back, that my dogs just tried to solve an unsolvable situation, started by her dog and that I now call the police.
She yelled, that she would report me, for my dogs chasing sheep and for coming to close to her.
With some more exchange of profanitys, they just left. I called my boss, reported it and looked after the sheep. They were of course in total terror, couldn’t eat, run together even of the always over flying swallows.
And I was not really better off, after the adrenaline vanished, I was shaky of distress.
My boss meanwhile gave report and the vid to the officials. And called a friend of hers, she should come and bring me some ice cream. What she did, ice cream and a big hug.
I know, not ok, but f**, I really needed it.
And was so thankful for this gesture!
I ate the whole ice cream bottle, chocolate with chocolate chips, felt frozen after but better.
The sheep needed a long time, to fill their bellys, always on the lookout.
So I came home late and of course tortured myself half the night with thoughts, what I’ve could have done differently, how I will solve this better the next time and that I’ve lost all the hard build trust by the flock.

Oh, I think, I take it out of What are you doing and post it in What grinds your gears. Way more fitting.

You should’ve shot the bulldog. :joy:

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Was excited to receive my new vinyl in the mail today only that it arrived in a ridiculous condition. I’m very upset with Royal Mail. The packaging was perfect, as always. The box was also half opened for some reason.




Is the vinyl itself damaged?

No, the vinyl is fine, but the sleeve is damaged quite a lot.

Ask them for a replacement and they should give you one.

It’s not the store’s fault though, it was packaged perfectly.

I’m pretty sure stores typically cover transport damage as well.

People who listen to music in public without headphones(happens a lot here).
Those who chew their food with their mouth open.
Those who argue with me on topics they know nothing about…

The list is endless…lol


Not actually grind my gears but this isn’t right. Peeps got postponed exams due to corona virus. Our classes had a hault in between. Later we got the online lectures and can’t do much when at home there are other works too… but we may not get postponed examss :worried: gotta grind harder :muscle:

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I hate when this happens… sorry for you.

But its the same here in germany, i once ordered the „Ready to frame LP Poster“ at the Online Shop, when it arrived the Mail Guy, folded it in half just to sqeeze it in my mailbox…


Unresponsive gadgets. When the system takes it’s own time to respond its annoying.

Woah :flushed: :triumph::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I’m soooo pissed atm- honestly I feel so fooled :exploding_head: I prefer to let it go here instead of freaking out all day!

Alright- for our vacation in Hamburger I booked flights back then too ( :shushing_face: I already know waaaaay to early in these crazy times- but yeah- I was used to do everything loong before I had too- a lesson of Corona virus to realize this: long ahead planing is impossible :expressionless::expressionless:) however- I did back then and - because I’m no fool- I booked a flexible rate , including rebooking option.

I now wanted to change the outbound flight from 08/09 to 08/12. Now the [spoiler]bloody damn[/spoiler] facts:

1 I spent literally 3 hours in a hotline that is chargeable :expressionless::expressionless: ( not very high but still :exploding_head:… 3 hrs :bangbang:

2 today- since it’s Sunday- I got up to call them pretty early- and yaay :tada: had the “luck” to get my call answered by an operator ( and not only waiting queues voice tapes) and this “beeeeeep“ operator almost yelled at me because I had not the right identification number :exploding_head:- I felt something inbetween crying and freaking out. Adult me decided to end the call. Checked all emails again and found another number… starting with how the operator arse told me-

3 yaay (3x) :tada::tada::tada: called again and - omg :partying_face: I had the “luck” to get another time connected with an operator- after 30 mins it turned out that- if I cancel or change the outbound flight- I HAVE to change the backflight too-

Our talk after this info:

WTF??? Are you kidding me? Just out of interest- when would the backflight go?

3:25 am !

WHAAAAT? Wtf - I want to refund my whole reservation!

Your ticket is Not refundable

:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:- never trust flexible rates - and airlines and umpf :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

Feeling better already now- sorry for all the rage - but yeah- I’m only human … baking cake now- the smell usually makes me happy :cupcake:


Oh damn! That sounds complicated indeed :confused: I’m sorry!
Is there another way to go there? Like is it doable by train or can you drive?

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