What grinds your gears?

I think the fact you’re claimed as dependent is gonna hurt
I know they had set aside further funds for people who wouldn’t make it with these guidelines but idk

And most of my friends are in the same boat so I feel bad for them as well and the millions of others that fall under this category

Yeah I know what you mean…
grind grind grind :hugs:

So, my flatmate and I were chilling in our front garden/yard/whatever, I was sitting down having a coffee and she was fixing her bike, when this guy from across the street, pulls out his phone out of the window and started filming us and yelling at us to go inside and that we shouldn’t be meeting people or whatever. He was very rude. We yelled back saying we had every right to sit there since it is OUR HOUSE and we are a household and the guy kept on. Such a moron!


:angry: What is going on with people these days?! The virus got their brain too!?! :triumph:


sometimes being in charge means people act aggressively to you because they think you don’t make any compromises. And they find you responsible for others’ actions. Sorry, little b—h, but I do not make compromises with people who are rude to me. I’m doing the job I’m not actually supposed to because no one ever tries to do it and yet I sometimes get a ton of crap


This, with a profile pic of Arnold Schwarzenegger :laughing: sorry, just gets me laughing :joy: :joy: :rofl:


I’ve chosen this pic not because of Arnold but because of a liquid gold… the Beer

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What in the fuck is even the point of Spotify premium if you have to be online to listen to stuff you’ve downloaded locally? And I was online, Spotify is just that broken.


You don’t need to, can listen offline to everything you’ve downloaded. Must be a glitch on your end.

That’s how it’s supposed to work, I’ve never had it work that way. As it stands now, spotify is just eating up 52GB of drive space for nothing.

But are you a premium user?

I am, that’s what’s annoying me so much. I pay and all I get is a load of problems and getting hacked twice.

Interesting… I never had that issue.

@the_termin8r has every kind of technogy issue, even the ones we have never seen… and he’s an engineer… :rofl: sorry it’s so funny :joy:
Ok, I stop :see_no_evil:


Spotify has been broken from day 1 for me. I’m pissied off now that I’m actually paying for it. The moment my student discount thing expires, I’m going back to standard.

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I feel like I just wasted 15min of my life watching Johnson tell me nothing is going to change. Honestly, I’m so f*cking tired of this. I was already on the verge of exploding and was really looking forward to the easing of measures today but no, now I need to endure another 2 bloody months of this! I’m losing my mind!
And he doesn’t give a sh’t about the economy, like what the hell? How are we supposed to survive?

I’m just so upset and just done with this whole thing.

Tell me about it. The dumbnuts in power don’t care about the economy, they’d rather let our entire financial system collapse and in time cause even more damage than the virus itself. And what about the psychological damage this is causing? We are social creatures, not robots who go from home to work and back again. It’s a disgrace that so many are accepting all of this.

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Finally someone else that gets me! I honestly don’t know how we’re going to move forward.

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I’ve been feeling like this from the start of this thing :joy:. I don’t know either, but for now all we can do is try to live our lives as normal as possible.