What grinds your gears?

See! Time to do something again! :muscle:

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Why the hack have the lonely emojis to be that big? :exploding_head:

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Its what a lot of messaging apps have begun to do recently. I guess the forum finally caught on

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Its annoying :roll_eyes:


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Eh :man_shrugging: I like it

Emphasizes the reaction emojis

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It depends.
Sometimes it looks more like an overreaction

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lol, I think its funny, putting a big
as a response to everything is hilarious to me

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:joy: :joy: :rofl:

The new oof

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And are they getting bigger and bigger?
Its not that big in the what are you doing topic

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I finished on the 15th and came back on the 6th. At least it wasn’t like a couple of years ago when all the engineering students (and only engineering) had a week chopped off their Xmas holidays…just because.

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Dang. Different students go back at different times? Here the whole university starts back up the same day.

They are when I look at them :thinking:

I don’t know how it was this year.

Maybe it changes with the amount of writing

I think it depends on which line you put them on. Solitary ones are big.

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Xmas break started Dec 16th. It varies though, undergrads and postgrads that have exams went back on the 6th and had exams till this past Friday. Lectures resumed today… I guess it just depends on each course.

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This morning was an absolute shit show on the underground. Any minor fluctuation in weather and everything goes wrong. Apparently there was a faulty train on my line, but going in the other direction, so it caused severe delays going into London, my side was fine…supposedly. I spent 40 mins standing around waiting for my train to show up, in all this time they were claiming everything was fine and eventually announced minor delays.

When the train finally came around it took it 12 mins to do 2 stations. At this point I’d absolutely had it, got off at the next station, changed train direction and went straight home. I was already 20 mins late to my lect by the time I covered the 2 stations, at that rate I would have been at least 80 mins late by the end of it. I was on the intiial platform for so long that I saw the sun rise from behind the main station building. All the while the crowd of people that had amassed was staring at me for wearing shorts in -2℃ :joy:. I got up at 07:00 for nothing.

Serves me right for using public peasant transport and not getting off my arse and getting my license I suppose.


Hey, remember this? They never did end up coming. They finally made contact yesterday or the day before to say they were coming today at 09:00. It’s currently 11:33, and guess what? They’re still not here. This is some next level bullshit.

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