What grinds your gears?

You should have shouted “KARMA BITCH!” And strangled her :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL! Yeah I picture myself doing that now sometimes. But it won’t bring my bunny back :’(

Seriously, sue her. It’s animal cruelty that resulted to death. She can get fined and serve at least 6 months in prison.

I can imagine the convo in jail

Cell mate: So what they get you for

Vet: Murder

CM: Who’d you kill

Vet: A rabbit

CM: Da fuq?

I’m sorry for my jokes, I’m trying to make light of the situation

Yeah it’s ok. The reality is indeed that I simply cannot sue them. It will be my word against theirs, I have no witnesses and indeed my rabbit was 8 years old. [The average pet rabbit dies at 5 years old, so it appears].

All I can do is file a complaint, with small chance of getting somewhere :confused:

Damn :confused:

Well, here’s a (virtual) hug from one animal lover to another.

Thanks man :slight_smile:

So, remember the trouble I had with some paperwork from my uni?

I’ve been in contact with them for weeks trying to figure out what’s going on. They were coming up with all sort of excuses and stuff I was so pissed, I filed a complained at the ministry of education last week cause the situation was getting out of hand (they claimed that I had never applied for the stuff I needed, that my name was nowhere to be found along with my paperwork and all that good stuff) and apparently something must have happened cause of it.

I called again today to ask if there’s been any progress. They couldn’t have been nicer to me! They have new staff members that were extremely polite and helpful. All my paperwork is almost done and I can call next week to check if they’re ready so I can go pick them up.

It seems that in this country everything works only when you call the big guns to take action. It’s so sad.

That’s Eastern Europe for you. Bulgaria is the same. You can’t even buy a jar of jam on 2 different occasions and get the same jam on both occasions. One time it will be ok, the next it will be too runny, then it’ll just be jelly, then it’l smell more. It’s ridiculous.

You are always so harsh to easter europe, i am from eatern europe and it grinding my gear a little.
If i remeber right, you said that you have not been in Bulgaria?

He’s Bulgarian, he knows very well how fucked up it is down here. Some countries are just better than others (in many different ways), we need to learn to accept that.

So you are saing that Bulgaria is lower than others?

Its quite interesting to see how people only talk bad about their roots.
I have not heard a one good word about eastern europe or about bulgaria.
Only accusions, its better then to keep quiet if you are asshamed about your home country.

Bulgaria and Greece and many others… quality of life and basic services are far better in some countries.

I love the UK, I’m not from there, but I have had the best of times there and the quality of life it offers is WAY better than my country. It is not ideal, it has it hiccups but it is still to a much higher level. It is the reason why I want to leave my country.

Wait, I am not comparing the people here. People are great no matter where they’re from. I’m comparing the life quality and benefits and services you have from the country you live in. Of course there are people that are happy and have a good life, the majority doesn’t though.

If you have time to compare yourself to other people, you have too much free time.
I have quite many Bulgarian friends, and suprise suprise, they are NORMAL, fun and live a good life, in their home counrty.

Not in 12 years no, but my dad was there recently (a few years ago) and he said things have deteriorated. My grandparents came over form there the other day and according to what they say it’s not brilliant there. If it was so great we wouldn’t have moved out and there wouldn’t be a tsunami of immigrants flocking over here.

Eastern Europe just isn’t a good place, ask @Jabin_Quaken what he thinks of The Ukraine. The countries are pretty good geographically, but the politicians causing the shitstorm in the first place are idiots, more so than over here.

It’s pretty bad there.

Good is a relative term. Maybe they haven’t seen better, maybe they genuinely have it good but when masses leave then clearly something is wrong otherwise everyone will want to live there.

Bulgaria has a lot of heritage and history and various other very interesting things, but it’s all buried beneath the bad stuff.

On another note: I hate having to explain video games to my grandparents.

I just imagened how you’re explaining them Postal or smth. like that… maybe Sven

I had to try and briefly explain Ratchet and Clank to them and what I was actually doing at the very moment in the game. It was tricky because there is a lot of background with R&C and I couldn’t just lay it out. In the end I just went with ‘it’s a game about an alien who shoots other aliens with massively over powered sci fi weapons’

Like i said, i am also from Eastern Europe, and its stupid to compare countires that have been for 100 years and that ones who have breen free for 25 years.
Buts easy to move to a coutry where you have to work less.
If you decide to focus on bad, ok. But dont talk bad about other people and stop saying that all the eastern europe is a bad place to be!

Thanks to people like you, when i travel everywhere i have to hide where i have from.
Because peole think i am from under the rock where is no internet and people kill each other all the time.

hmm, I think I hit a nerve there. Let’s end this here before it gets out of hand.

Oh wow, @Spelling_Mistake you have totally missed the point of what Rob and I are saying.

I actually think it is amazing that you can stand behind your country and be proud, not a lot of (young) people do that lately. And again, people are people, we’re not comparing them, we’re all equal, I don’t think Rob said anything to disrepect you.

We’re talking about the countries here and the situation they’re in and what they offer their citizens. Some people live fairly well in “bad” countries, some choose to try their luck for a better life elsewhere. That’s up to each individual.

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