What grinds your gears?

Hell yeah! Straight from there! And they must suffer from the damn right music!

Stupid Mac!!!

I hate all things apple, for reasons like this. They take something, make it less practical, charge more for it and then it ends up not working properly.

Dunno why you’re all having issues with your Apple devices. I’ve never had any, everything works just perfect.

When you can think of a load of distracting things to do when you’re busy but think of nothing when you’re free :confused:

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When you but one of those ready made pizzas in shops that just need to be baked at home and you bake it and when you go to eat it, you take the first bite out of your slice and all of the toppings come off in one go.

Today the vet sent me a card.

Took my bunny to the vet Friday. The original vet I usually go to wasn’t there, she is a pro with bunnies. But this Friday my bunny and I were helped by a new lady, fresh from vet school.

My bunny doesn’t like other people very much. I warned the young lady that my bunny could freak out. As soon as the vet opened my bunny’s basket on the metal table, my bunny jumped to look for cover in my arms. I calmed my bunny down and then the vet came closer, only to freak my bunny out more.

Things went so fast after that. The lady grabbed my bunny by the neck. I begged her not to do that, it could freak her out even more. If only she listened. If only she would grab my bunny the way I do it, or the way her original vet would do it. But nope.

“Please! Don’t hold her like that! Stop!” I tried. But the Vet just pulled on my bunny’s neck while my bunny pulled the other way and then…Screaming in pain, my bunny was CHOKED TO DEATH by a clumsy new vet. She wasn’t even AWARE that my bunny had died until I started freaking out.

Today the vet sent me card, “Sorry for your loss” it says. They killed her. They use the excuse that “calming rabbits down by grabbing them in the neck real hard is what they learn in school” and that “my bunny was 8 years old, which is very old and so I should not feel like I could’ve done something different.” As if she DIED of old age. She did not DIE of old age, that BITCH choked her and if I did not bring to that vet, if I had listened to my gut the moment I saw that “fresh out of vet’s school” face I should have turned around and made a new appointment!

Stupid vet. Stupid me. My bunny could have been alive today still, If only I did not bring her to the vet. If only… Now she is buried in the backyard. I just hate myself right now :’( I miss her so much :’(


That’s fucked up. I’m sorry this happened :frowning: Did you get any sort of compensation (besides the retarded card)? Did the vet even apologize in person?

They did say they were sorry for what happened. She however did not apologize in person. She just sat there like a retarded cow… And they keep throwing it on “She was an old rabbit, some rabbits do get calm when grabbed by the neck”.

I think we were her 1st patient. I really hope she will learn from this experience to listen to the pet’s OWNER next time…

They did say that I did not have to pay for anything. Because hey, the rabbit died even before they could even do a proper check up because THEY choked her.

I filed in a complaint but I doubt they’ll do anything with it :confused:

A complaint? Why not a lawsuit?

No, unfortunately because it is just “an animal” I cannot make a lawsuit out of this. I can only file a complaint and hope they will do anything with it :disappointed:

I bet if it were a human they wouldn’t use the age excuse.

“Oh, sorry we killed your grandmother, but you know, she was getting a bit old, probably close to kicking the bucket so what does it matter eh?”

I know right! Then it would be considered “harsh” or “cruel”. Now it’s just “being realistic”. I am so disappointed by them too. I’ve taken all my previous rabbits to this clinic, specifically because they were all good at treating rabbits with whatever health issue.

Of course all new vets make mistakes but this mistake won’t bring my bunny back :’(

I’m on plug if you wanna get your mind off it. :confused:

I guess I could come on… hold on…

That is just awful! I felt my gut wrench reading about this. I am so sorry this happened to you. My thoughts go out to you. May your bunny Rest in Peace. I can’t imagine how a vet could assume they know more about a pet’s bahaviour than the owner himself/herself. Don’t be mad at yourself, it’s not your fault. There is no way you could have known. You did what you thought was best for her. The vet is to be blamed and I really hope your complaint gets something done. and yes I agree, I wish you could have filed a lawsuit

WHAT??? I would break that person’s face!!! WTF?! Sue the entire center and complain about her, how can she even be allowed to treat animals? Ugh, such people disgust me!

I’m sorry for your loss :’(

I don’t know where she got her permit either. My brother is the only one with a rabbit now and his rabbit is also connected to this same clinic. He’s looking for a new vet of course now.

Thanks you guys.

Wasn’t there a scalpel lying around or something @Gatsie ?

Not in direct sight. There were plenty of chairs I could throw though. But I was so in shock, I was screaming and crying.The vet rushed off right away to “Give me a moment”. She never returned in the room though.