What grinds your gears?

how about such tatoos?



That’s just funny. :joy:

Lol. I think they know what NASA and the bands are :joy: they’d have to be living under a rock not to know. But I know what you mean. They wear them for the aesthetic of the graphic rather than the meaning behind it.

My bro has a NASA shirt (for the same reason) and one time when my dad and I were out shopping my dad wanted to get him more NASA stuff because he thought my bro had an interest in NASA but I had to explain to him it was just a cultural trend thing :joy:


ITS CULTURAL APPROPRIATION! I am absolutely shocked stunned and amazed and disturbed at their lack of decency :triumph:
They are culturally appropriating our nerd culture :pleading_face: what’s next? They’ll take over the abacus? :triumph: how dare they :triumph:


I may understand them somehow. :slight_smile: I’ve got 2 t-shirts that I’ve bought because I like the graphic they represent. One is with a watermelon, the second with an avocado. (By the way, I never eat watermelons nor avocados.) I hope this won’t grind anyone’s gears. :yum:

The other t-shirts of mine represent things that I really identify with. Mostly, the signs or pics on them are designed by myself.


Yea. I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as they are aware of what they’re doing as well. However if they wear the shirt thinking it’ll make them fans I get a little angry. I’m a t shirt guy too tho and love the graphic ones. Mostly I got band shirts of bands I listen to but I got a few with miscellaneous objects on them as well. I wouldn’t ever wear one with a band on it that I’m not a fan of but if someone sees one and likes the looks of it who’s to say they can’t wear it. :man_shrugging:


Do me a favour and slap him upside the head. :joy:


With pleasure :joy:


Ariana Grande know something about this :smirk:

LOL good one hehe

These stupid new linings in trains…

I can’t stand straight under the one and it also has dynamics pointed downside , right to my head so every time there’s a station I can’t hear my music T-T

My son just got this from the
Deutschen Bahn (German railway)
For a delate train ride.
It was on the class trip. So probably everyone got one.
What’s wrong with this people?
Can’t they not invest in punctuality?
Yeah, throw the money out the window. :roll_eyes:

But dang, that pralines are tasty :yum:

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Please feel invited to Poland. Trains and their punctuality - the best joke here.


At least you got something. Here they just lie to your face about delays.


Here, they don’t send chocolate for delays. It’s weird :joy: Hope you enjoyed it :grin::hugs:


Here the tracks are always under modernization (as long as I’ve lived and travelled) which means that fast trains are redirected to other lines. When you go to/from work in your snail train, you often have to wait on a side track because fast trains have priority.

Add trains that break… In summer tracks extend because of the heat which makes trains derail. In winter cables shrink and tear and there is no power for trains to ride.
Add trains that never come for unknown reasons. Add trains that get stopped in the middle of forrest or a field of rye. For hours.
No one ever says sorry.
But try not to have a valid ticket…

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It is the same here.
Never ever got chocolate bevor.

Lots of jokes for this too:

Again the railroad company got surprised by this phenomenon called winter.

Are railroad employees allowed to be late to work, or have they to travel by car?

Good question. Some employees don’t care if the train is late - those who are the train crew.

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You think so?
Getting bad feelings and words from any passanger, sure no fun.
I even was once on a train, where the train driver had to get out on every railroad crossing and had to close and open the gate by hand. :joy:

And this time, on my Berlin ride:
It was the usual stressed out looking elderly conductor. But she had cute little elephant
hanger earrings.
And I was like: “Wow! That are so gorgeous elephants!”
She looked at me, as I would be a person from a different planet. Someone with kind words? Maybe I was just making fun of her?
And I continued: “I have a friend, she so loves elephants! She would be so jealous!”
And she started smiling over her whole face: “Then, better don’t tell her! Thank you!”
And went along, still smiling.
I’m so learning. :blush:

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And you know what is believed in Poland? That if the Deutsche Bahn bought the Polish Raiways everything would start working fine. :slight_smile: