What grinds your gears?

I feel super tense because of my working day. Some people are just acting like ******** when they think they have power in someways.
I hate this kind of people.

And i’m fed up of bicycle that are driving on the sidewalk super fast even if they see you’re looking at something in your bag so can’t see them coming.


:confused: sorry to hear :pensive:
I was seeing that those bike riders on sidewalks in Argentina are criminals :flushed: they have videos of them and stuff it’s crazy
Soooo on the bright side-in France at least it’s just idiots(?) :sweat_smile::grimacing:


Our fridge (or rather the freezer in the bottom half) keeps doing this. :expressionless:




Take a biiiig hug dear @Lilyope- some people are just :woman_facepalming:t2:… it’s only annoying - the powerabusers as well as the egoists - have a good night :kissing_heart: :heart::hugs:


sending strength dear!! :heart: :hugs: we all gotta deal with such kinda people sometimes… you are strong!


Just distributed a whole cup of black tea over my paperwork and laptop keyboard :unamused:
At least, the laptop still works fine, it seems. :expressionless:

:flushed: oh that’s annoying!!! Now u gotta work again… :slightly_frowning_face:

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No. I dwadle to much. It was just all the official letters, bills, logbook and receipts.:neutral_face:

Thank you sweetie! :heart:


Eeeeerf! I hope you managed to mop up it ! :muscle::muscle::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Remember I told you guys about my crazy beeeeacha of a boss? Well a playfully manner went over board and I was forced into resigning from work. They were going to demote me, suspend me, give me a last warning and transfer me. HOWEVER if you harasses girls, stand to close to girl coworkers, stare at girls chest and whatnot you are ok. If you are a boss and you continue to treat your employees like crap and plan to get rid of them by pushing their buttons. IT IS COMPLETELY OK.

I have this urge to post her number on the internet so she can get odd messages and phone calls.

But it is ok PEEPS because she messed with the wrong bunny :sunglasses:

Alright you guys can go back to your germ lives


Oh no- really?? :flushed: Wtf - that’s absolutely not OK - you’re a good worker- you’ll find a better place to work at- they absolutely don’t deserve you and you deserve it WAY BETTER - that rages me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


No worries! You’ll find a better place soon! It’s their loss :triumph:

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Their loss poopie. You are worth much more and I’m sure you will find something else and succeed! I bet anyone would love to have you!

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So sweet :sob:

Oh wait about memes job :innocent::joy:

I vote you say good bye with a good dozen cherry bombs in the ventilation system bunny! :smiling_imp:

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you will get a new job that treats with the respect you deserve, I promise

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Surely you can find something better ! :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Thanks my germies

I am working on a paper to get my job back and possibly get that lady out of that business. I am also teaming up with past workers who had to deal with her and her bs.


That’s how I know you!!
Show it!!
Fight for it!!

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People who wear shirts with stuff written on them where they don’t even know what said stuff even means. Like the massive spike in NASA shirts I’ve seen recently or your stereotypical bimbo that wears a Slayer shirt. Most of these people have no idea what the hell NASA or Slayer (or whatever else) even are.


That’s why at my hot topic there’s a shirt that says at least I listen to the bands on my shirt
