What grinds your gears?

Aye…agreed :muscle:t3:
And worse comes to worse, literally laugh at the joke it is and brush it off as nothing more than that cuz you’re better than it :slightly_smiling_face:


Sending strength to you! I hope tomorrow will be better


Sending you strength @evooba :muscle::muscle::muscle::hugs::hugs::hugs:

My grind is: I’m soooooo pissed off journalists just informed us that it’s been weeeeeks the amazon rain forest is burning like hell. And we didn’t hear anything until now. It’s kind of too late to do anything for it. I don’t know if the french government had this information earlier but if it’s the case i’m supeeeeer angry that they don’t propose help to Brazil for these fires. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


OMG :open_mouth: that’s horrible :cold_sweat:- I just feel like praying- let’s pray altogether-

if it is like this it’s heavy enough and dramatically not only for the people there losing everything and maybe are in danger for their life - it’s our earth that suffers on top- the Amazonas rainforest are the lungs of our planet and extraordinary important for our climate -

plus that they are often burning the rainforests on purpose to gain free fields they use to cultivate soy to either feed the animals for the mass meat production or to burn it and gain energy from it-

and on top the world public is not getting information about it- and this is only outrageous- because it’s already 5 past 12 - for our planet … :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I could go on endlessly- so I better stop and start to pray :pray:t2:


Thanks guys :slight_smile: I’m finally home now relaxing. Hell of a day! And we have a very busy bank holiday weekend ahead of us.

Also, where is @the_termin8r?

@Lilyope I read about it today and was just as pissed. It’s crazy!!


Adventuring :nerd_face:

Ehmmm on the fire I can’t say anything :pensive: trump probably is the one that lit the damn match :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Edit: pfiou I barely beat you to it :joy:


I only got back to civilisation some 15 mins ago, I was out in the sticks all day. Large post coming up in the w/w thread…


He was out!!! :tada:

Have to lead your tag list :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Like I said, I like being outside, but this country is boring AF and there’s not much to do. Plus, uni was a MASSIVE setback for my personal projects.

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When you graduate you have plenty of time for your projects you’ll be down about a hundred thousand dollars

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No, when I graduate (again), it’ll be on to the next grind, then after that, there’s just rotting in a shallow grave.

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So for the past week i have been put down again i don’t know to do . I was called a piece of shit and called stupid and anything . So back to my depression and i think im just no good.

Are you Hilary? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Because it doesn’t matter one tiny bit what anybody says to you, the only thing that matters is what you tell yourself about yourself
Take it from me that gets a big mouth around here, people tend to talk a lot and in all that talk sometimes they say bs they don’t even realize or even intend
Idk if that was the case there but many of those instances need to go into your short term memory bank where they’ll be deleted the next time you hear an interesting fact like how a wombat’s poop is in a cube shape :upside_down_face: don’t go forgetting that-it’s very necessary info ok? Haha
Sounds like whoever told you those things knew what they were doing but it’s all the same, if they don’t realize they’re being assholes then flip them the bird and walk away from them :upside_down_face: you’ll find most times people were just too stupid to catch their own idiotic ways of speaking and with a quick chat you can clear things up
Life’s too short to spend it upset about what people call you, tell you, or do to you
You know your worth, you know all the things you do do-that’s all that matters ok? F that depression and those bad thoughts, who the hell are those people to have enough control to send you into a dark corner with just a comment? Nah eff em and do YOU :slightly_smiling_face:


Damnnnn, that’s just being too negative man :joy:. There’s more to life, I promise :smile:

This!! Stay strong @hilaryfol, don’t let those nasty remarks get to you.

Also sending strength to everyone else whose gears have been grinding lately :muscle:


@Lilyope The news about the rainforest is just so heartbreaking. When I found out I couldn’t believe it. People don’t realize how bad the consequences are going to be. 20% of the world’s oxygen apparently comes from there. What’s the point of money without oxygen?

@the_termin8r there really is :joy: Good Luck on the new academic year

@hilaryfol I am so sorry to hear. Sending you strength


It just seems like the more then ever i feel like i getting put down and the more this is happening the more i get depressed and just what to gave up and die

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@hilaryfol That’s why you need to try to not focus on what they are saying, it’s bullshit.

You are not alone, we care about you, just try to do something you specially like to do to take care of yourself.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Look at all the different colors around you. Try to smile even if there is no reason to do it. Get rest whenever you can.



Agree with @Lilyope and honestly my depressive episodes disappeared when I found out about the amazing feeling of living WITHOUT a man who treat me bad- didn’t know about my value and calls that love-

never ever been constantly this stable with my mental state than since we parted ways- so- take a few days to suffer- then press reset and try to make it on your own this time - with us having your back and truly love you for you being you :heart: @hilaryfol


Having to live like a caveman…again.


Online stupid “doctors”, that spread BS for things they have no f… idea!

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