What grinds your gears?

Why does that make you angry? :joy:


It’s really hard to not confuse the threads atm… I guess @StephLP18 wanted to post in the twitter thread…

LOL, I hate it when I watch movies and relax :joy: worst part of my day


Lol or this :joy:

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Sorry about that, I always seem to get the threads mixed up, Especially when doing it on mobile


IKR? It’s so bloody annoying. :joy:

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This isn’t the first time that this happened either :joy: , I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago and I think it was in this same thread

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Not to mention the times you’ve made it in the laughter thread

I am a bit irritated right now my paycheck isn’t here and it was supposed to be here at 9 a.m. and it’s 3:15, and It’s still not here :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Here as in the money hasn’t gone through in your account? Could be a bank issue, just give them a ring.

Is actually a paper check, which the owner of the company personally hands out, to each store the night before payday

My job severely cutting my hours for no reason

That sucks! Hope something comes up for you :crossed_fingers:
Big hug :hugs::heart:

When did communication go down the drain? :thinking: I mean, yeah there’s hard convos to have but when did society get to the point of just ghosting out on friends/family/partners :expressionless:


I blame technology, it’s become too easy to hide behind a screen. Texting is a de-evolution in communication from calling someone up.


Aye but even then, there’s situations or people where you would expect more from

I suppose that’s truly the Crux of it though…

A shame

Isn’t it always that way?

There will be people, you thought you really could count on, disappoint you.
Happened way to often to me.

On the other hand, there will be support and reliability were you never would expected it.

Unattached to multi media.


In other news…
facepalm of the day: ffddde
Not only a trilogy becomes a quadrology again
but there’s that “no if you asked but yes if i announce it” thing again.

everything grinds my gears! :roll_eyes:
I bet i’ll grow into a very grumpy old man in the future!


I think I officially hate a few of my colleagues. Today’s just a joke.


I can relate to that- stay strong, spit out and move on :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: