What grinds your gears?

Because it terribly annoys me at times that a normal conversation about LP is not possible with some fans. Especially If the name Chester is mentioned in every sentence. And even more especially (and this happened for real) when such a fan can’t even name the other members of the band.


I fully agree. That wasn’t my point. At times I even wish I had the strength to believe in something.
But belief is far from the same as idolization and deification.


Got you, :+1:t2: and it’s ok if you feel this way- for me it’s nevertheless ok, it’s their way of believing - each its own, so I agree to differ with you on this :blush:


Ehmmm…sorry to butt in… but for sake of discussion, knowing you’re of faith, doesn’t this line of thinking where someone will look up to a man that fiercely, bordering idolization…doesn’t it bother you? Typically I’d hear people ring out arguments on false idols and stuff so it makes me curious to hear you be ok with it… I get that it’s chester but still… it’s a good guy like any guy here…he just had a ridonkulous voice and infectious charisma :sweat_smile:


Why should it bother me? It’s not because of them are mean or because they wanna hurt someone- just because they don’t know it better until now - that’s no reason to be bothered by them -

and please no excuses for jumping in lol- it’s fine …

The really only thing when it comes to beliefs that bother me is when a group or single people is discriminated- bullied or hurt in what ever way - THEN it steps my border and I feel the urgent need to stop this.

Everything else is freedom. Freedom of the individual and goes for me just as far as it restricts the freedom of the other. And just with thinking this way nobody is hurt- that’s it.


Love your words! :heart:


done that… I think there’s still one somewhere on my IG account
Edit. Found some on my pc… I think these might be amongst the first ones I made…
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I also don’t know if it’s ok to jump into this on an personal note.
This hole fan thing is quite a big theme for me and I put a lot of thoughts in it and endless discussions with a close friend of mine.
I tend to fangirling too.
Like Glen Hansard put it on his last show I visited: We all tend to mix the art with the artist.
And he told this story were he once was back stage for Bob Dylan. And he waited all excited for him to come out.
Bob did, took one look at their all hyped faces and turnd and walked the other direction.
A thing just Bob Dylan can get away with.
At the one end, the artist needs the fans, the audience. And moments like the one Mike describe, were he met this girl on the street and she starts hyperventilating and crying and nearly stumbles in front of a car, are really good for your self-confidence and give you a reflection on your art.
On the other hand it builds really huge walls between you and the one in front of you. You know exactly that this fan don’t see you as a person with everything. That you’re in truth just an imagination of their wants. It makes you lonely.
Real contact on eye level is just possible when all fan feelings are gone.
And in a bit it concerns me in my private matter. What will happen should my book be an success? Sure I want this, and I want people to read it and love it. But fans? Even now the really few people who get overexcited about my sheep stories freak me out. This talking to me, as I am their best friend already. As if I am their person. Just hey! You know nothing about me, don’t get so close.
One reason I’m so closed of on facebook and so happy to run into you all.
Lot of eye to eye contacts here! :heart:

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Oh! Was busy writing.

They are just great!!!
You, your own demon!

You need your own art topic!
@Fravaco the second one I want for my wall! :smiley:

I can totally get this whole horn thing.
On the other hand, rams have so nothing from demons. And the one you used had really close horns, nearly had grown into his face. Wouldn’t have used him for breeding. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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NO WAY… You’re forever OUR person now… no more escape possible :crazy_face:

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I truly am :relaxed:

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I understand what you mean guys. LP has been my first love, they opened up this magic world of music for me and, I’ll be completely honest with you, the reason I’m doing what I’m doing in my life (some of you know) is because of them, partially at least. I have tremendous respect and appreciation for all 6 of them and I will always support them no matter what, but damn. Yes, they’re all just people like the rest of us and they make mistakes.

I love engaging into conversations about the band but sometimes it gets too much. Extreme fangirling/boying or whatever you want to call it, irritates me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty of it as well sometimes but it’s purely out of appreciation and nothing more.


Angry reactions? Why? I get your point and I agree with you.

I’ve even written somewhere over here that sometimes I feel that the forum seems to be a church where Chester and Mike are gods (while they are not although they are great guys). I’m sure they would feel embarassed to find it out.

Also just after I came here, some of the band’s members celebrated their birthdays (I think everybody except Brad). But only for Mike and Chester there have been planned special (let’s say) events. I asked why the birthdays of Phoenix or Joe are not specially celebrated (=> Maybe it would be a good idea but there’s no tradition, the answer was). Maybe the tradition should be changed then.

But on the other hand I may understand the special attitude towards Chester because he is not with us anymore…

Oooof, so many words…


1% :battery: …seems i got a lot to read here… running off. Later!

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My gears are ground almost to zero… It’s all about my work.

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Sending you strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs: and just let it go- they’re not even worth your rage dear :hugs::kissing_heart:


Just were I was talking about expectations

Still wow!
And it’s not the first time you’re preparing for a shit storm following your words.:flushed:

My plan was to laugh a little more at you.
But now, it just feels sad.

See my dear, you are not so lonely after all!

Maybe that’s because I’m used to getting strange reactions to my thoughts… But if you notice the grin emoji at the end, it should tell you that I actually don’t care about bad reactions… I have a thick skin, it’s hard to get me very angry, but when they(the people) succeed to do so, a firestorm is coming their way…
So, I’m not actually preparing. No need to prepare for something that can’t harm me. The fact that I was doubting to post, was because I know how sensitive a subject as religion can be for some people. I just didn’t want to hurt anyone with my words. I do love a good discussion about religion though, but unfortunatly some religious people can become so fanatic. Especially when they notice I do know about religion, often more than they do.


I guess you still don’t know me very well… :heart:

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I feel sad today anyway.

But as I said, I don’t need to know someone for loving him.

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