What grinds your gears?

Hahaha :joy:- I like the model, it’s so impressive and man, don’t understate- I won’t be able to do this AT ALL :crazy_face:

If you need help setting it up- I’m here :+1:t2: And since we have a lot of soldiers who don’t have or use IG - such as dear @lpfan61, @Honey8 and our dear botty bot @the_termin8r ( just as examples) it would enrich the platform… ok - but enough “spam” now in this thread :grimacing:… however- I would like to find it here - your art @Fravaco


I’ll think about it :roll_eyes::grin:


Stay strong everyone!

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I had IG for exactly 3h, so that I could see the footage from the first London meet-up, but then you sent me the videos either way, so I deleted it. :joy:

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Good thing! !!
And I already thought!
But it’s to late now!
If you decide to die of a heart attack cause of me, then be it.

:thinking: don’t know what’s the appropriate emoji is, after throwing such a line.

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Sending you loads of strength, we all love you

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@Fravaco Sending you strength :muscle::muscle::muscle::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Today, we are living on credit, we already used more ressources than the planet can produce in one year. It makes me think about my workmates that are drinking in plastic and paper glasses instead of drinking in a real mug that could be used more than just one day.
I don’t get why one of them that used to drink in her mug, began to drink in paper glasses just after she got a promotion. Maybe she thinks it’s more “classy” to drink in that daily glasses.
I can’t stand it anymore!


Why not drink straight out of the bottle?

Become a shepherd :kissing_heart:

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Because for example when we do breakfast together, everyone can’t drink straight out of the same bottle, so they are taking plastic/paper glasses. And for coffee/tea too, there is no bottle.

I thought that after promotion people drink coffee out of china designer cups…


Sending you strength @Fravaco

@Lilyope I read that on the news and it sucks. I also heard food wastage is the biggest problem. We both had a conversation about this recently so always remember a lot of us do care! Keep your head up and keep doing what you do. Hopefully your workmates will wake up one day and start trying to change.


@Fravaco sending strenght!! You’re our hero!! :heart: :muscle:


@lpfan61 … this might change after you all read this…

I’ve been doubting for so long now if I should post this.
Not knowing how your reactions might be, I’ve been keeping this to myself but I feel like I do have to get it out of my system.

For a while now I’ve been struggling with the whole, let me name it, “Chester cultus” that is going on.
It seems to me that some people are more Chester fans than LP fans. I have no problem with that. Although I sometimes have trouble speaking to fans who can only chat about Chester. It is sometimes as if the rest of the band does not exist. I find this somewhat disrespectful towards the rest of the band members.
But, everyone has the right to their own opinion. I’m the first to aknowledge that.
It shouldn’t even be a right, it’s natural to have an opinion for your own.
The problem I do have is with the “worshipping” of someone who was after all just a man. A beautiful man, someone to look up to and to respect, but nonetheless just a human being like anyone of us, with his pros and his cons.
I understand that his death was and is still a hard thing to cope for many people. And I respect that, just as I respect everybody’s decision or need to believe in something. I’m not gonna discuss about this, even though for me personally, “belief” is non existing.
What I don’t understand is the idolization, glorification and deification of a person.
That can be such a dangerous thing to do.
I agree that Chester had something special but if one thing in his life would have gone completely different than we might even never have heard of him.

I don’t know for sure if I’m making my point here?
It’s difficult to explain my thoughts about this in a small piece of text.

Let me say it simply.
Chester was and is not a god. He was a man, just like all of us, and instead of worshiping him as a god, we should take an example from him, learn from his life, from his being, even from his death.
The idolatry alone is, in my opinion, more evidence of a lack of courage and honor to take control of life itself.

Now let the angry reactions come to me :grin:


This is why I look up to exactly nobody, I just don’t see the point.


And I restraint my self so hard to not commenting this f*** Angel wing pic of yours. Gave a like just cause it was from you and did it with a little I am lying feeling.

Sorry! Love you just more for this text.
Can’t help it.

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Oh absolutely not bro!
Oof you spoke the same words I’ve spoken for a long time now
Ask @chigokurosaki or @IronSoldier16 how soon after I came to feel this way
A great man however a man nonetheless

I mention those two guys because I had deep conversations with them about that while fighting my point of view
Not that they were idolizing him or nothing but it has always bothered me to see people get hung up on it…
one of the happiest moments in regards to LP in recent memory was watching mike live in a slightly angrier live feed speaking to fans telling them they couldn’t get hung up on it, and that people needed to move and live their lives
I was glad to see him take that stance because as much as the band has been helpful to people, it’s become a bit of a crutch :grimacing:
So if there’s heat for this train of thought, I join you in the line at the firing squad lol

Ehmm by crutch I mean that…it’s turned into something to hold onto and something to get stuck on, Ive heard the “this great person couldn’t do it so how can I?” It’s like…how? By learning from mistakes, by seeing the emptiness someone’s mistakes can create

Proud to hear it from you knowing you have so much more to deal with yet mentally you’re a damn fighter :muscle:t3: If you ever go down it’s by your own power it feels, same mentality I try to maintain
Living on pity and hurt and just bad vibes does nothing for anyone, it becomes a vicious cycle


I thougt already that would come back to hit me in the face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
That’s “art”, completely different thing… :wink::grin:
@anna834 I could make you one with devils horns (or sheep horns) if you like that more :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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But now you have exactly pointed out my reaction to your pic.
Artist and critic all in one. :smiley:
Maybe you need wings :innocent:

No chance in hell you ever get them from me.
Just this :heart:

@Fravaco make a pic of yourself with sheep horns, would probably suit you :ram:

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But why are we discussing this here in the grinds thread? I don’t see the point-

and ofc we are tolerant as it’s our attitude- everybody can believe in everything and this is what you believe in @Fravaco - it’s as good as everybody elses beliefs…