What grinds your gears?

So sorry to hear @evooba. It sucks when people lie and take advantage of the system and makecothers work harder for their ‘fun’. I hope this case is genuine. Sending you strength.

I don’t usually post here, but today I will make an exception because I am absolutely overwhelmed. Many of you know how annoying and difficult my regular check ups are. I had one today and as predictable everything just sucked. I’m not going to go into detail over everything, but the one thing that many of you might find a bit funny is this little story. So during my regular check ups they check my eyes as well. The doctor found that my lenses need to be changed and gave me a prescription with the new number. My 2nd doctor of the day says it’s impossible for the lens number to change. So I go to the third doctor who gives me a complete different number from the first one. And it’s not a small difference. Now I have no idea who is right, and I’m running out of doctors to check with :joy::joy:

So what grinds my gears? People…people in general :joy::joy:


Quite remarkable how all three doctors suggest something different. I hope the others will be more consistent. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

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What if you went to an actual optician?

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Thank you @rickvanmeijel!

The first doctor was an opthalmologist in the hospital. So supposedly very experienced in these kinds of things. The second one is a doctor in that hospital too that is specific to my issues and eyes are one of them. The third one is an optician. I anyway have trust issues with all 3 of them, so it doesn’t help :joy::joy:


I hope you’ll have a fast recovery and will find the right doctor after all! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Would you be able to try the prescriptions first?
I feel you though :sweat_smile: I went yesterday and the optician was like still no? Then she was trying to tell me what the letters were to help me “pass” :joy:
I just kept thinking she was rushing to go home :sweat_smile:(I was last appointment lol)
I hope you run across one soon that you can actually trust… :confused:

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Thank you @Lilyope and @framos1792 !

I’m so sorry to hear that! That’s crazy that she did that to you! I hope you have another appointment with someone else!

I was told by a trusted optician from abroad that it’s best to go with the lower prescription, because it’s better for the eyes and head to have a lower one than a higher one. So that’s the plan for now. It’s just been a crazy day that’s all! These things wouldn’t generally bother me, but sometimes it just gets much. I’m doing a bit better now. Thank you all for trying to help out and the good wishes!


@AJ_7 Oh no! :confused: Hope you had a better afternoon than this morning. I bet everything will be sorted, stay strong :smiley:

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Thank you @evooba

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had another case of Angina pectoris last night… Always scary… It feels like a heart attack luckily it’s not my first time so I know the differences and hw to react to it… but still, always scary :roll_eyes:

edit: For those who have followed the link… did you see the picture? That’s the age normal people have this condition… I’m far from that age. But the heart specialist had warned me that my heart and veins resemble those of an eighty year old person…

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Oh. Missed a link :thinking:

Nope… just click on the words ‘angina pectoris’

You know I’m feeling for you! Keep it up.:muscle:

Enough about that!

WHAT! Now I have to prevent you from getting strong emotions! WTF :exploding_head:

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that’s useless… I’ve always had strong emotions and that will not change (wouldn’t want anyway)


Stay strong :muscle:t2: and god bless it was “just” angina pectoris… I am very impressed about how you deal with all these health problems- you’re such a strong soul, I just hope you’ve time to take a breath inbetween …

and since I follow your art on IG - I already thought several times that it would be cool if you share it here- in the art section with an own thread :tada::heart_eyes: they are really good man!


Believe me, I have plenty of (very) weak and dark moments. But in the end you can’t go anywhere but forward. I tried the other way, I “failed”, but I’m damn happy about it. Because inside all the misery there are those tiny fragments of happiness and joy… and those makes it all worth while. The difficult part is to find and recognize those moments…
but thanks for your kind words :heart:


I absolutely agree:

Without the downs we won’t realize the ups- without sadness we won’t appreciate happiness-

But what about the thread? :stuck_out_tongue: don’t be shy … @Fravaco

and hey Anna @anna834 - see you typing :hugs:


Yeah! Push him! :heart:

Hey @theearlywalker my dear! Love you! :heart:

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not shy but I don’t know about a thread. After all it’s just digital “art”. Anyone with the right apps and filters and a little bit of imagination can make it. So, it’s not so special… and btw, the model I use sucks big time :roll_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Come on!
Then do it not for you but for us!
Love your “art”!
And hey, what a good thread after soldier out!

And @Fravaco art is what moves you inside! Nothing else.

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