What grinds your gears?

You could also do a little dance or sing a song and then post about that :grin:

And we are the strangest :crazy_face:

Love you! :heart:

And don’t dare to start deleting :kissing_heart:

I’m about to do it. It’s hard to bear it that I’m silly.

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What should I say!!!

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Don’t you dare! We’re just kidding around… You should do whatever makes you feel good… Autocorrect or no autocorrect? Use whatever you like… It’s not an important issue anyway :heart:

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Speak for yourself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do.
I’m we now :crown:

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It’s the life issue.

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Relatively easy. Liking to much

@anomalia when you delete parts of a conversation with me, I look even weirder as I already am!

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All the stupid things happen when I’m off work. Such idiots! I can’t believe this. Can’t have a peaceful day off.

It was just the part on my job (it’s unfair to complain about it using my business phone).

Don’t take it personally. I just want my words to dissolve in the air. Not to be engraved in stone.

No harm done!

And letting me stand in thin air :dash:

@evooba that’s f***
Stay strong! :muscle:

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But why not?


Nice try :joy:

Still don’t like it

We are in the right thread for you to say that I grind your gears deleting posts.

That’s why we still not spamming :crazy_face:

Stop deleting your stuff!!!


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Update from yesterday: All is good, my manager is super pissed though. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

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That moment when you realise you were bitten by some insect in 12 places in the 2h that you managed to sleep. :expressionless:

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I still don’t find the post what has happened- but again- I know your strength… :muscle:t2: Hope you can unwind now…

Late night misfortune; staff member that’s on holidays and due to return to work tomorrow is stuck at an airport somewhere due to a delayed flight (won’t fly back before tomorrow morning) so we’re minus 1 person and my manager is panicking. Had to assure him we’ll be fine and he doesn’t need to come in on his day off.

I know things like this can happen, can’t blame the person. But also, somewhere in the back of my mind, is that doubt… we’ve had quite a few of these incidents and calling in sick happen lately, second guessing the truthfulness of it all is unavoidable. (As always, my manager will ask for proof of the delayed flight so we shall see).

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