What grinds your gears?

Roadworks…at 07:30. Got woken up today by the literal shaking of my bed and the rest of my hosue because the idiots outside decided to start ripping the pavement apart with some ungodly jackhammer that I didn’t get to see. I just felt and heard it. :expressionless:


And I wondered what you doing here so early. :grin:
Know this manic. For weeks they press hammered, yelled … as they renovated the block right beside my bedroom window. :unamused:

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then that

which is an updated version of this:

(i don’t need to watch passed 0:55 on this one)

giving kids electrical current to play with instead of telling them to stay away because it will result to death!
wars don’t start where opposition rises,
they start where they are decided and the body count begins!
the opposition is a reflection that many misinterpret for “trouble making” if they don’t see who threw the first punch…

keep it real soldiers! :muscle:
women and children first!

Imgur’s new UI is fucking impossible.

which one?

What do you mean?

this… one?

You speak as if there’s multiple UIs. The whole site has become impossible to use because I can’t find jack, it used to be logical and now it’s not.

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Oh that imgur website… got it…

I thought, I had finally solved my issue with this like system.
Cause I find out how to look it up:
But I just received a notice that I am nearly out of likes again.
Irritated me, cause I didn’t do that mach.
And as you can see, I really haven’t!

The leaderboards are behind. They say I’ve given 10,881 since I’ve been here when it’s actually 10,905. It’s like that for all stats and time frames.



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Thank you!
It’s a like difference from 67 for me. :astonished:

Autocorrect function in my phone…

I want ‘make’ - it gives me ‘mąkę’
I write ‘plot’ - it gives me ‘płot’
I say ‘them’ - it puts ‘tchem’

OK. You could say the default language on my phone is Polish. But it also plays tricks on English words. I’ve just written ‘plays’ and it changed it into Playa. In the previous thread I wanted ‘concentrate’ and it kept stubbornly adding ‘d’ at the end…

Do you have any ‘problems’ with your autocorrect?

I’ve turned it off a long time ago. It’s way to patronizing. You can set it on proposals only.

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Autocorrect is the worst invention ever… I never use it… Also without you have to look up words, that’s how you learn a language :wink:

The problem is I don’t wanna use it. But it seems I’m too lazy to switch it off.

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What is it with this mentality of people complaining about problems they have and then doing jackshit about them? :joy:

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But here laughs the one, again nearly out of likes

Sometimes you need to name it a problem to try to find a solution.

Sometimes you need to create a problem to have something to post :wink:

People are strange… :thinking:

@anna834 What do you do with your likes? I have never run out of mine.

Yes, but the solution has been presented, yet you refuse to implement it out of sloth.

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