What grinds your gears?

:joy: ok
I have no more smarty comments
And good luck :muscle:

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I’m still furious. Every time I’ve been turly angry at home has been because my parents have been messing with or intended to mess with my room.

It is your privacy they are mangling with!
Totally ok to be pissed!
My daughter would have left way earlier if I would have done it after she was twelve.
And you must see her room she left behind…

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My room is my controlled environment, it’s my personal space, do what you want to me, but don’t fuck around with my room.


keep a few good bulbs nearby and swap them whenever you need to work on something :grimacing: just keep your door closed and put a towel at the base so light don’t come through :joy::sweat_smile:
not really kidding btw…

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That could work, but without the cloth. Except they’ve already taken my damn bulbs. The only thing better about the new ones I made them buy me (because I’m not paying for this shit) is that they supposedly have a higher lumen rating, so I’ll see if the change in brightness is noticeable and then decide whether I can tolerate the orange in exchange for brightness. My guess however is no. I’m still seething about the whole situation.


Sit rep:

We’ve come to a temporary ceasefire. The new light bulbs came in and, I as I predicted, are pure shit (my arms are now the same colour as my desk). I screwed them in, turned them on, died inside, turned them off and took them out. Told my parents I refused to use them, then there was a lot of shouting and insults being hurled at me with me not giving a fuck (:joy:). I then tried being more reasonable and tried to compromise, by asking if I can have my old bulbs just in the desk lamps, they flat-out said no.

Now they’re trying to force me into liking them and keeping them. Of course I’m not an idiot (well, actually I am, but not in this case). They told me to run them for a week and see what I think after. If I don’t like them…well, they didn’t say anything. I asked them what happens if I still hate them after a week, they got annoyed and told me to just put them in. They have every intention to force me into using them and hope I just get used to them.

I’m going along with it for now just to shut them up, because this is the last source of annoyance I need right now given how stressed I am at the moment.


Sending you strenght for the stress! Hope you can fix the discussion about lights with your parents… :muscle:

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It’s exactly in a week that my exams finish so I can deal with it then. But I’m even more pissed off now than I was the other day. I’m currently sitting in the yellow light, I don’t notice it as much when I’m staring at the laptop screen, but the moment I look away, everything is yellow.


Today I just go with @lpfan61
Stay strong! :muscle:


What’s with some lock at your door?

Or is your mom still needed for cleaning and laundry? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My dad’s a building contractor, he’ll find his way around a crappy lock. Not to mention, I don’t know where they key to the one already on my door is. They’d kill me if I locked it.

Ok. Really out of comments here.

And after that’s not sounds as if you were joking. I will stop mine too.

Just listen to you

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If that was a joke, it went right over my head. :joy: But seriously, if I locked my door, I’d be in deep shit.

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why? :thinking: I mean its not like theyd imagine in their wildest dreams that mr terminator had a girl in there with him :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:


I know this control type myself. I have to deal with it as well. :roll_eyes: I know parents mean the best, but at some point they have to learn to just let go and let us make our own decisions. How else do they expect us to learn anything if they won’t let us live how we want.


This! I know you well enough to know this. You tolerate a lot of crap without ever getting angry. I am so sorry. I hope your light situation is fixed. I hate yellow lights too.
Every emotion is absolutely valid, regardless. You know you can always let it out here.


Nah, that’s not their reasoning. They don’t really care about stuff like that. They’d be fine with it if I had a girlfriend.

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Yeah but why would a girl want to be with you

But on topic : my life


Exactly, so it’s not that kind of issue for me.

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