What grinds your gears?

Yeah, some people are still trying to collect points even though there’s nothing worth spending them for.

Anyone else finding the new way to scroll down in a thread is a bit annoying? I miss the old way where you could just click and go to the last post asap :confused:

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Don’t the threads open on the last post for you? Also why not hit the ‘end’ button on your keyboard?

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No it just opens on a random spot in the thread for me :confused: I thought maybe it was a browser thing but after cleaning cookies I still have the forum start up like that.

Oh well. I’ll just get used to it… Hitting the ‘end’ button was a function I was not aware of.
Thanks for the tip!

It’s not on the right of your screen?

Check your preferences on your forum profile. Because it usually opens to the post just after the last one you have read.

me too @gatsie! I use ya link everytime I go on plug-dj, on ya plug threaD, everytime I enter…to get ya link I´ve to scroll up all former posts…that is too boring, why they changed this at all? More need to revamp the blog section…

It’s still normal on mobile :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, Patrizia! Have you tried to start entering the letters “plug…” in the site line? It has to show the last site you visited.
How is it going btw?

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She just left plug.dj lol.

It’s not too bad with the new feature though, you just click on it and do a quick one-move scroll up and you’re at the top.

Nah, I really find it annoying sorry :slight_smile: But using home, end and the arrow keys makes it less annoying to move through the thread.

How they build the roads in this country.

Just to give you an idea how f*cking slow everything works here and how lazy people are,

I called my uni today to ask when I can get the paperwork I need (graduate acknowledgement and detailed grades, etc) and they told me in freaking SEPTEMBER cause apparently the dean is missing and no one can sign off the papers. I am SO PISSED. I can’t wait till September. I graduated in February for f*cks sake. It’s been TOO LONG!

Wow that is indeed very stupid. How hard is it to find someone else to sign the papers? Isn’t there a counselor or principal to sign off instead? Ridiculous!

I asked them that cause I told them I need the papers cause I gotta give them out for translation (takes 2 weeks) and stuff. They said to wait… I was furious! They told me they are electing a new dean today and by next week they hope to have someone that can sign them off.

It’s just so stupid, everything is like this here. No one cares!

What the Shinoda man, that is mighty f-ed up! I’d be pissed off too. Hope that new dean gets to sign your stuff soon.

Smth. close to that here. Like you try to get the pasportist, who works only 2 days a week 2 hours each. And she decides not to show up. And then it comes to chasing after her through half the city.

Ugh… our public services aren’t any better either.

When you’re typing in the plug chat and a forum notification comes up and you can’t see what you’re typing :confused: