What grinds your gears?

What is ya Q?

Could you change the way you wrote your last post because I didn’t understand it?

I think I’m NOT able To give it clearer words but lyrics from hungerstrike feat. Chester telling it: staying hungry on a full table or an overload table is the essence…especially :bug:

Do you mean like when you know a fact is true but someone else insists said fact is not true and tries to convince you even though you’re dead sure it’s true?

Can’t say I fully understand the meaning of Hungerstrike’s lyrics. Just that a man who doesn’t have enough anymore to support himself has to stop helping others for a while… But that’s just how I understand it.

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Now that I look at the lyrics, they actually don’t make much sense (to me):

I don’t mind stealing bread
From the mouths of decadence
But I can’t feed on the powerless
When my cup’s already overfilled

But it’s on the table
The fire is cooking
And they’re farming babies
While slaves are working
Blood is on the table
And the mouths are choking
But I’m growing hungry

You metaphorical One can’t get it??? Being hungry and overfilled Same Time???

You mean hidden hunger? Eating lots of stuff, but not eating the right kind of stuff. (Not getting the right vitamins, minerals, nutrients etc.)

This is a picture NOT To explain only To feel mhhh ok I get You

I’m lost :stuck_out_tongue:

you can not be lost, cause you get yummy food again…lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: don´t hungerstrike…:joy::joy:

When parents talk behind your back to other family members about you. Obviously about stuff you don’t want anyone to know about.

When parents judge what is annoying to you specifically. For example, when my sister is annoyed by me she immediately runs to my mum and tells her and my mum ends up getting angry with me. When my sister is really annoying me and I’m quite clearly losing my temper and I tell my mum that my sister is being annoying (so that I don’t have to deal with it my way) she always plays the ‘she’s not annoying you’ card. As if she knows what’s annoying to me.

-talking in the back in everyway
-judging ppl
-to stand behind the own reflexion

When you’re on youtube watching a video and you want to watch another one and you try to find it only by clicking the recommendations on the side because you can’t be bothered to scroll through the video list on the channel and it ends up taking even longer.

AMEN to that!

When you’re watching a video from YouTube on your phone and you want to see how much of the video left. You tap on the screen to the right from the middle and it turns out, that you just passed to the next vid. Sooooo inconvenient those buttons there.

How? I’ve never had that happen to me.

It’s like you tapped once and saw the stuff and then you press the second time for the buttons to disappear and you point exactly the button and everything goes like NOOOOOO!

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Must be a pain :stuck_out_tongue:

People on the main LP site who comment one word comments on news articles that don’t add anything to discussion. Comments like ‘awesome’ or ‘cool’. I’d understand if it was one person on the odd article or something, but pretty much everyone does it on every new article. I’m not looking to name and/or shame. So if you wanna see just go look for yourself. And it’s always people who don’t set foot here.