What grinds your gears?

Yeap. I think, the On-Type would fit. Like these:

I prefer over ears. We have a pair of Beats (useless heap of junk) knock offs that are actually half decent that my dad found in a discount bin in a store for like £15 (from £80). They are decent but your ears start to hurt a lot ofter just 30 mins that’s how tight they are. I call them ‘the skull crushers’ lol.

lol I think medicin should get ready to implant a chip and hearing music right out of brain lol

What happens when it goes wrong and fries your brain? (It’s a rhetorical question, obviously you die :stuck_out_tongue: )

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I noticed. Also like such stuff. I liked Razor Electra for their noise reduction. Never thought a gaming head-set would be such good. And I also think, that Beats are too overestimated.

I loath beats

On another note. How the bloody hell does anyone manage to do anything in this wretched site with a phone?!

It’s slow, it lags, the screen over laps things and I am currently typing a reply into an invisible box so I don’t actually know what I’m writing.

Depends on a phone. Yours has only 1Gb RAM and is quite old. The one I’m using now has 3Gb RAM and a powerful CPU. Actually, I almost stopped using the PC, when I got it. I think, you should consider a new one. Now it will cost you 200$ (J5, which my wife uses) for a comfortable work.

Depends on the phone. Mine works great, sometimes I even prefer it over the laptop.

Tried it on my sister’s iphone 5c and her ipad air and it’s rubbish. I was only using my phone because I didn’t have wifi. Well, at least my ‘mobile websites and apps of any sort are rubbish and hardly ever work properly’ theory is still going strong.

Maybe it’s some weak internet?

I don’t know, I was on 3G.

at todays world, 3G is weak as fuzz :smiley:

@the_termin8r That’s weird… even in my crappy tablet, it works great. Was it switched to mobile view?

@Spelling_Mistake Dunno about your data guys but mine is fantastic, I never had issues, and 4G works underground too so now I’m online even when I’m in the metro/subway.

Back on topic: Screaming kids while playing outside and their parents not giving a damn about everyone else and breaking the quiet hours rule.

-When I leave my room for a couple of hours only to find that I forgot to turn my amplifier off. It’s nothing major but it’s not great that I left it on either.

-Also when you are watching something and eating something crunchy at the same time and all you can hear is the crunch in your mouth and not whatever you’re watching.

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Found this

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Hahahaha… It’s worse when you’re at the cinema and you hear this constant “shrrrch” sound chips bags make.

I once nearly drowned myself in coke in a cinema. I had a big cup and there was a bit of coke at the bottom of the cup and because I’m actually a decent person I didn’t want to make that annoying slurping noise with the straw so I took the lid off and thought I could drink it like that except the cup was so big that the majority of the coke went out of the side and onto my shirt and the rest when down the wrong side of my throat :laughing:


Ohhhhh!! And I thought I was an idiot for ALWAYS having that happen to me with extra large glasses. :joy:


Ppl going To teach ya sth you Sure know/ make exp that…you Sure knew better but they hungerstrike

You confused me there. Could you rephrase it please?