What grinds your gears?

We’re engineers, fellow engineer friends are like fellow robots. :joy:

I made friends with the right people. I.e. my friends know how to design things, how to work to an objective, they take my serious approach while keeping things calm. We don’t slack off. When we were working on the first project we finished our design in the first session of 2 while other groups were still trying to get their act together. We were ready to build but had to wait since the build sessions were after the Xmas holidays.

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Damn you, pre-university !
I’ve got a biology exam in one uni tomorrow and chemistry exam in another the day after. They want me to fail fucking both of them, don’t they?!

Good Luck @NickGr ! I know you will kick butt ! Sending you all the good vibes I can. You can do it…I know you can!


Good luck bro!! :muscle: you can do it! :muscle: :sun_with_face: don’t think of how much time you have to study for both exams…just do it and stay calm and strong! :sun_with_face: :hugs:

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Entrant exams? Good luck man.

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Thanks guys @the_termin8r, @lpfan61, @AJ_7


Nah, not entrant. Additional. If I pass one I’ll get +5 points for entering two of five universities I can send my documents to. If I pass both then I’ll also get a recommendation letter for one of the unies — 20% discount for the payed course or a plus for entering the free one. Also guys with recommendations have a different docs queue so they take docs faster


Good luck!

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So I filed in my complaint about that supermarket’s employee, who treated my mom like crap. But these Dutch keyboard warriors are now cussing me out for it. They say my mom shouldn’t be such a crybaby about it. Pissing me off so bad but I guess I’ll just let it go… People here don’t like to be called out as racists, because the truth hurts.


Just ignore them… they don’t deserve your attention… :muscle:

Getting excited when you get an email about A7x and prophets of rage tour coming to your town then realizing it’s in Southern ca :expressionless:

That stinks. I’m hoping to get tickets for the Mansfield, MA show. A little over an hour drive from me. I’ve never seen them before so, it would be worth it.

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Yeah t seems like a pretty cool lineup
I haven’t seen them either, hardly anyone actually lol but that’s why I’m making an effort to go to whatever catches my eye now :sweat_smile:

Ot:public speaking :expressionless:

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third post in this thread today :expressionless::expressionless:
biggest gear grind today though…I DIDNT HAVE TO BLEEPING PRESENT TODAY :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
i finished pretty much all my design the past couple nights staying up and only a couple other people presented finished designs
aaanyway at least im done

Sending you my strengths. Get some rest when you can and take care of yourself. :pray::kissing_heart:

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Thank you :blush:

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I had no connection for nothing at this point- but rn it works again - so let’s give a duck on it :joy: ( as Nick always says :joy:)

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He grinds my gears: @numb320


@numb320 get fucked you stupid retard. I’ve had to switch account again because I’m out of flags on 2 accounts. I’ve got one account left.

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