What grinds your gears?

@jFar920 or @derek , seriously, please do something. Everyone else, get flagging, even if it means glitching threads again.


We need to act quickly before they move past a basic rank and get unlimited daily posts. I think their limit is still in place.


Ok well do

So much for that theory.


I hope they get here soon

I think I know what’s going on. Somebody has gotten to the account and is possibly trying to get it banned, like a troll friend or sibling. Either that or it’s been hacked, because the post history would suggest it was a normal user.

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Ok yeah I wouldn’t now since this is only the 2 nd time this has happened Will I was on the forum

Well the retard dropped me a like so I know it’s a person on the other end and not a bot. Just look over their old posts, they used to be normal.

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So we just flag his posts then?

Yes, let the threads burn, take no quarter.


I know it all ended when I played hybrid theory in the last letter game then this started

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Its not your fault. Its this spammer that’s the problem.

Yeah, IDK where they’re coming from, we haven’t had a problem like this in the 2-3 years I’ve been here. It happens on every forum. Usually they are bots trying to sell you kitchens.


I am running out of flags very fast

IDK how many I have left on this account. My termin8r accounts have 10-18 hours before they reset, I only have 1 account left. Don’t ask why I have 4. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And we closed what are you doing right now again lol

I am running out And I don’t have a 2nd one

Really? :joy:

I’ll go check it now.

EDIT: This as well!!! :joy: :joy: :joy: LMAO

EDIT 2: Anyone up for the “right timing” game where we try to get in before it shuts again? :joy:


This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.