What grinds your gears?

I didn’t know they were church people until it was too late and I saw their badges. They didn’t say who they were until I asked and it was too late. They felt more like cultists than church members.

Good you got to ditch them eventually then. Cultists are total freaks of nature, for sure.

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Oh… the topic starts from here… that’s bad. No one should be forced… :neutral_face: why do people do this… I don’t unde what do they want!

This is Hillary’s fiance. I get it I understand how that could be annoying. But I am a believer in God Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I battled with drug and alcohol addiction from my teenage youth to about my mid thirties. I didn’t used to believe in God. Till one day I was on my way back to the liquor store stumbling. I heard this music just Banging as hard as it could and my body turned and I walk to the church At the corner Down the street from my house. I believe that day if I did not do that something horrible would have happened I also believe it was the Holy Spirit that guide me to that church. I’ve been a member of that church now For 12 years. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. When I walked in they embraced me and prayed over me and told me everything was gonna be all right and that God has a plan for me and not just me everyone. I left that church sober. Now I’m a thriving productive member of Society. It was a long hard journey but I’ve acomplished it through being around the right people prayer and of course Jesus. But they also did teach us never to push God on people just tell how he worked in your life through Testemony. Everyone says they don’t believe in God but let your brakes on your car give out and what’s the 1st word you scream O God! But you’re absolutely right people who push it on you it’s not the way to do it some people just have to find out for their selves.
So I just want you all to know that God does exist in my eyes and in my mind. And everyone have a God-Blessed life.And please don’t judge my fiance Hillary for my opinion she is a beautiful soul who stuck with me through thick and thin and gave me a beautiful child.


I’m an engineer so believing isn’t really in my nature. I don’t care what people believe in, but I get annoyed when they try to push their beliefs on to me and tell me that I have to believe.

Actually the first word would probably be “FUCK!” :joy: On a side note though: What kind of junk pile of a car do you have to own for the brakes to give out while you drive?


We’re not like that here.


Nice to hear from you too and happy to hear the impact it was in your life
I, like the terminator here isn’t religious but at one point I was, and I have family who is pretty devout and can def see how it can be a positive thing in peoples’ lives
I won’t go into much here as to not make it a religious discussion but will only say that I backed off because of the divisions it causes in the world-for me, dignity and humanity is all the belief we need to be at peace with whatever higher being is up there if there were to be-it’s complicated as i don’t accept the illogical aspects as well but i suppose i can accept both sides to it

In terms of us seeing each other differently you’ll find we don’t really care much how different we are, we’re from all over the world with different cultures and values so it doesn’t make sense to focus on differences
It’s the similarities we have in music and hobbies that bring us together so welcome if you think about joining with a personal profile or even if you’re on with @hilaryfol :slight_smile:


@hilaryfol I’m happy you found your way out of bad habits and are now thriving, also super glad to know a believer thinks that pushing people into believing something is bad.

I can’t say I ever really believed, my parents thankfully raised me in a way I could have an opinion for myself from a very young age on certain matters. They never “forced” me to go to church and/or attend ceremonies if I didn’t want to (unfortunately where I come from, kids are forced to believe in X God and are expected to do certain things). Nine years ago, after a series of events I came to the conclusion that (for me) God, spirits, whatever you want to call It, doesn’t exist. As long as people respect each other, I’m cool. But if anybody comes and tries to force it on me… let’s just say I can get pretty angry.

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When every freakin petrol Station in the city…and no, I’m not exaggerating…tyre air pump is broken…

seriously… Is it that hard?

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Why not get one of those mini pumps that plugs into your lighter socket? They’re not brilliant but they get the job done when you need them.

They’re juuunk!

No :blush: we won’t. We all respect the choices here. Everyone has a right to chose and have Their original thinking. This never affects the love and kindness in here :blush: thanks for telling about yourself. Stay strong! Stay blessed! :sparkles::sparkles:

Aww! That was so sweet @framos1792 ! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: yes! All welcomed here :blush:


We’ve got one for our car and it works. It’s a bit slow and I’m not sure how accurate the pressure sensor is but it works well enough.

Oh noooooo :confounded: enough said… lol
Yeahhhh that’s today’s typical for you :confused: @melisLP had it work for her though! So there’s got to be decent people too! :sweat_smile:

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:confused: hopefully someone will come along when you least expect it :slight_smile:

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Don’t give up. We all have someone out there. Online worked for me but, we met through Facebook. Lol Not a traditional dating site.

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I’m back to uni tomorrow. And it’s a long day with an early start and late finish. I might skip the last lect if I get lazy (skipping the last lect means skipping the 2h gap before it too).

Going all the way up the 5 floor for class then having a note on the door saying we are on the 1st floor because are teacher wasn’t there

5 floors isn’t that bad. What’s worse is having to rampage up 8 flights of stairs packed with people to get to class on time for registration because your teacher is a right dick and gives you a 10 min detention if you are literally 1 second late (she timed it on a digital clock).


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I don’t get it… how come that in 2018 you have to wait 2h for a lecture, having periscope, twitch, youtube and other stuff in your pocket?
This is just… silly.