What grinds your gears?

I live 15 miles from Jackson township and I will but why this this keep happening @framos1792

What @evooba said. He’s a grown man with his dirty shoes up on a seat where others sit.

And yet Americans still wonder why the rest of the civilised world thinks the large majority of you are idiots. How many more shootings is it going to take for stricter gun laws? Granted this was a suicide attempt, but how does a middle school kid get their hands on a gun? I don’t get why the authorities are still debating if it was suicide or not; nobody accidentally shoots themselves in the head. The location was idiotic though (I’m not saying more on this at the risk of triggering all of you).


Believe me, I don’t wonder why the world laughs at us/thinks we’re idiots.


Oh not triggering at all I’m with you on it, it’s pathetic how people are crying out saying they’re taking their guns away
It’s called being reasonable
I get people defending guns-I’ve shot an ar-15 it’s an easy good range gun and shooting sensibly is fun but that’s out in the country not in a city or suburb and it’s not anywhere remotely near children
There’s a crap ton of reasons why all that’s happening but having a better grasp on what’s in your own home as a parent or keeping watch on kids that need a figure to lean on would go a long ways
Gun control don’t mean gun prohibition


I meant on the location selection specifically. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s ok you are right about everything you said

Every time I try to access Dave’s website for the member guest podcast my laptop crashes. Anyone else experiencing the same issue?

Considering the state of my laptop and the fact that the last W10 update glitched it out again today I don’t think I want to try :stuck_out_tongue: .

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Yeah I had that too when I wanted to listen to the first one. I’ll try again now.

Edit: seems to be working fine for me now
Edit2: AAAnd it crashed :sob: I’m downloading the file instead

If you guys are having problems listening to it, click on the ‘listen in new window’. it works fine then. If you want to download it, right click the player once you do that, and ‘save as’. It happened to me, and with the help of my brother, this worked.


This! Thank you :grinning:

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I found a lovely pair of nike airmax… The price wasn’t so lovely!!! 300€ without the shipping cost

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Today I was ambushed…by really persistent church people.

I was heading to uni for a project group meeting when they ambushed me in Uxbridge outside of the station. They were like that annoying clingy relative that will not release their metaphorical vice grip. They spent 15 mins of my time telling me about how I should believe in God and Jesus. In the end I got fed up so I went full engineer on their arses and started firing a bunch of tricky questions to answer. I finished by giving them a fake email address. :joy:


That’s wrong to force to try and force someone to believe in what they do everyone has the option to believe what they want to and you shouldn’t be forced to believe into it sorry this happened to you @the_termin8r

It was a mild annoyance at best. I don’t think they clocked that I was trolling them :joy:

I wanted to kill all the mums and their babies/kids today. Ugh!


Do you work in an area with snobby people?

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Unfortunately yes.

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We have church folks like those here too, trying to convince people to join their church. They’re just as bad as those kids who try to sell you a new phone or sign up for a newspaper or whatever. I just ignore them, really. Headphones on, a firm “no thanks” and keep on walking. Helps every time, for me.