What grinds your gears?

Yeah. You didn’t even say anything that bad @turners34

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Some doctors are dicks - no doubt - my dad is a classic case of a-hole. I put it down to inhaling too much anaesthetic gas over the years.
I had one doctor who was a complete a-hole to me, and laughed at me when I was experiencing really severe pain from a back injury. I was in so much pain, it fuelled my anger - which doesn’t normally happen, and I told him to go eff himself and stormed out and didn’t even pay…HAHA…oops… oh well.

But, there are some doctors out there that are good, and they mean well. And maybe they coulda broached the subject better to you - or maybe they thought they knew you well enough to be a little casual about the subject. I’m sure they meant no offence, and only had your interests at heart.
I don’t know how it was ‘said’ - but it doesn’t sound like it was malicious, or unkind - more as a way to start a conversation that wasn’t putting all the onus on you - like, “You are overweight, you need to lose weight” - that would be worse don’t you think?
I dunno. I mean, I’m the same, got 10kg more than I need - doctor occasionally broaches the subject, in a similar fashion actually, and I say ‘meh whatevs’. It’s up to me at the end of the day - if it’s what I’m ready to do - then I’ll be ready to discuss it with him.
I thinks that maybe you just aren’t ready to have that conversation yet is all - so, let it go for now…

Unless you think they were being malicious - in which case - find another GP.

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Are you sure that’s english :joy: . I’ve never heard it said out lout before, could you put it in an example sentence?

Oh, villager speak. Yeah, I’ve come across it before, I thought you mean one after the other in a row.

Same here.

I can’t stand that either

Must be a UK thing…never heard it here.

We all - “yeah nah yeah” over here.

Getting sick of ‘SAVAGE’ - only heard it twice…but damn it’s annoying.

I usually don’t say things like this that much, but what a dickhead.

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i am not really supposed to say this but your boss is asshole


he better hope he dosen’t meet a solider

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If I was there he wouldn’t be saying no more shit or thinking he’s better than anyone. And I don’t mean I’d beat him senseless or anything, but I know he would stop. Hang in there though, hopefully you can find something better where you’re appreciated.

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yeah i can’t go because when I am really mad I turn into loose cannon and I knock him out

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I’m not really the aggressive type myself, usually easy for me to handle my emotions, but I wouldn’t stand there and take no crap from someone like that either.

Wow… ass.

yeah there’s a line and your boss @RoryBourdon just crossed it so I hope you do get a good job very soon

I wish you luck and hope it works out!

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I actually know how you feel. I am the quiet type myself. Never really say much, keep to yourself a lot, not to keen about sharing your feelings and such, etc. But sometimes it’s better to be the quiet person. Especially for not running your mouth off like a lot of others do. But I hope you get the other job, you deserve better.

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This is how I am too

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I would at least report him. That kind of behavior is not very “work appropriate” to me.


I agree, you should report him. My friend did the same for her manager that was being an ass.