What grinds your gears?

I agree, parents can be a handful and they will hurt your feelings at some point in your life but deep down they love you and are always proud of whatever you achieve in life.


Most of the time that is true.
But there are some that should never have had kids in the first place, and there are some that are just emotionally unaware.
I’m lucky - my mum is amazeballs - she is also a PITA - and there are definitely things I would never tell her because she would never forgive me - but I’m pretty sure she’d love me unconditionally anyway if she did happen to find out. Pretty sure if I told my mum I had a tattoo, she would put me to sleep and cut it out for me. I also can’t buy myself a motorbike, even though I really want one - cos - she would “steal it and sell it or bulldoze it”. Same for a dang 50cc Scooter…which would just be so freakin useful…MOTHERS…seriously. By the same token - she fed my cat while I was away, AND also washed my sheets for me…so lovely she is…but, bet you she read my bloody notebook that I left on my nightstand…grrrrr…MOTHERS…


I was wondering why my food was taking so long. No wonder, they were busy preparing a huge feast for a Korean exchange programme group. The Korean teacher and her group of Korean children in their Korean uniform from back home were sitting in a corner that’s why I didn’t notice them earlier.

Getting spam mail

Sellers on eBay not answering you

This new guy is really starting to piss me off. He doesn’t make sense and the spam is annoying.


Me too I just got a spam form him where is the @the_termin8r to put him in my spam folder I am going to try and clam down before I really tell him off any suggestions

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So it’s okay for a doctor to be a prick?

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It’s not about being a prick, but they have to be harsh for the patient to truly understand sometimes.

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I’m confused.

That’s a matter of perspective, he’s there to give you a no BS answer. Scientists and engineers have little to no regard for human emotion, that’s why they’re usually good at what they do.


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I am so sorry @the_termin8r to confuse you just the new soider has been annoying me with this spam stuff and he also starting to annoy the other soldiers as well

No, I meant what was that about me putting him in a spam folder? That sounds like some kind of torture method.


Oh I wish just queoting you when you said ethier you start taking like a human or you go my spam I am so sorry again I was just really mad at him and said something I shouldn’t have said so I hope you guys can forgive me because I let the anger get the better of me

Being used for money and not being able to do what i need to do .

Umm, did I miss something? I’m not mad or anything. :stuck_out_tongue:

It wasn’t a big deal. Nobody here has seen my truly angry. If I got pissed I’d go on a tirade that gets me banned. :joy:


We all have good and bad points… :wink: if you have problem with someone on forum just call the moderators… there’s no need to be angry, this way would be easy for both parts… :wink: :sun_with_face:

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Man, FSD frustrates me even more. I contacted them like 2 weeks ago or something, I got a reply 10 days ago and I replied back… so today they decided to finally get back to me only to ask me the stupidest question ever; I had included the order number (which they need) in my initial message to them (so I could avoid senseless emails back and forth) only for them to reply today asking me for that freaking number. UGH! They are either blind or stupid. I wish LP could find a different company to handle the LPU. FSD is only causing problems all these years.

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Aww thank you for understanding. I just have to learn how to better control my anger instead of telling people off I am sorry @charlie1531 for being mean to you can you please forgive me


It’s all good. Really

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Are you sure @melisLP