What grinds your gears?

I know how that feels :neutral_face:

I get irritated when drivers stop in the middle of the road to talk to someone, and they block other cars.

Does anyone else here have issues with windows 10? It updates so much and wastes my data :triumph:. I’ve completely abandoned the internet on my laptop. I have to do everything from my phone.

Me. :joy:

I didn’t even know there were still wifi plans around with data caps. W10 broke my laptop when it came out.

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My laptops thankfully still works. I tried to set the wifi connection to metered but it still updates :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. My freind calls W10 malware now :joy: He sent me a pic thats describes w10 perfectly:


Your friend speaks sense, W10 is indeed malware. My laptop is still usable but W10 has brought out a load of irritating bugs in it.

W10: This is what I keep telling everyone…but nooooooooo. It’s evil - in every which way possible.
And - we still have data caps here in NZ…lol… it’s cos the data takes way longer to get here - also, the Aussies usually use up most of the data before it even gets to NZ…so there’s not much leftover for us. That’s what I’ve been told anyway :laughing:

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I’m so pissed!! I bought some stuff for my piano 2 weeks ago and Amazon decided to send me the wrong items today after 2 freaking weeks! -.-

UPDATE: How on earth do they think they’re going to get away without giving me a refund? I can’t believe this is for real. Wow, first time I’m having issues with them.


What?! There was an accident here as well!
Like the person was a fraud. My bro bought a hard disk… The person came… mom was at home… she took that thing, gave money and asked if she has to sign anywhere… the person was like no you are a third person. She was literally busy in some work and kept that box on table. When i came from school i found that there was nothing… just a cheap wrist watch that also not working! :angry: Damn these frauds…!
But it had everything… the same name and order id! This is really bad!

saw my doctor yesterday because of my knee…I’m well overweight and my blood pressure was high. His exact words to me, “how are we going to get to get you to lose weight?” I know I really need to lose weight, but you are a DOCTOR, don’t be rude and a prick about it. BE HELPFUL. :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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To be honest, they can’t do anything else but give you directions or suggest certain ways to do that. It’s up to you to follow up and do as said. My uncle is the same, he never freaking listens and that’s why he’s in the hospital now with severe problems.

I get that, but he didn’t even suggest anything or give direction. I’d gladly follow along if he had, but he just made that comment.

He’s a doctor, there to give you straight answers whether you want to hear them or not; that’s how issues are brought up and solved. Sugar coating things to spare people’s feelings is a bad idea when it comes to health issues.

“Ummm…like, yeah, there might be a small brain tumour…nothing to worry about, you’ll be fine…for now.” Is not better than “You’ve got a tumour, you need to get rid of it or you die soon.”

I don’t want you to misunderstand me here but the doctor is there to tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. It’s not opinion based.


Hmm, not sure what happened there. Did you ask him about possible options since he didn’t bring it up?

Don’t let it get to you or bring you down, people can be insensitive and though I get the logic behind not sugar coating stuff, there’s also common social common sense and saying negative stuff to you isn’t getting anywhere
Like @the_termin8r said though, you gotta A-S-K to G-E-T so don’t feel bothered asking him for advice and help going over your dietary options etc
I’m a big broad guy and have varied in weight a lot over time so I’ve gotten a bit of everything I’ve gone from gym rat to couch potato many times over lol
only thing I can say on losing the weight is to be positive and take small goals to motivate yourself
The more committed you get the more you enjoy it and forget it’s a commitment
Best of all be happy at every stage, life’s a crapshoot anyway-the skinny broccoli eater can get picked off as easily as the soda guzzler lol

Parents will be parents. I don’t think my dad was all the excited when I got mine either. :joy:

My parents were not happy with my tattoo either…oops

My sister made me tell my parents lol. I wasn’t planning on telling them when I did. I pretty much say the same though. My body, I’m an adult my choice. It could be worse


Yeah for my birthday I plan and getting one it’s cool with my mom but the rest of the family hates that idea especially my grandma

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That’s rough. I’m sorry.

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My mum’s the sort of person you don’t argue with, even if she is wrong.


And as a person who has no mom for the last 8 years ,enjoy them with every piece of bs they say… Moms are p.i.t.a but most of us we have only one