What grinds your gears?

it’s that not much them talking about that bothers me it’s when they are yelling it so the whole train can hear it is what gets me


Yeah, I usually try to respect people’s beliefs on that subject. But I honestly can’t stand the fact that people think its God that’s what’s wrong with the world. To me it works both ways. If you don’t want someone to talk about God to you, then you should have the same respect towards them and not put down God to people that do believe.


The one night I need to get somewhere by bus (tube is not convenient), it’s on diversion. Bloody brilliant!

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That’s usually how it works. Its like the universe knows… :joy::expressionless::roll_eyes:

Activate beast mode and walk. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I spilled my stupid wine on my stupid bed. Again! And I havent started drinking yet!


Thanks!!! I’m having a great time so far!!

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Can I assume that “tube” = subway? We don’t have subways in Austin 'cuz we’re lame like that.

Yep, in the UK we call it the tube or the underground. To us a subway is a passage under a main road to get to the other side. Also an over priced sandwich shop with addictive sandwiches :joy: .


Thanks!! Got a late start today (slept til 2:30) so I’ll be playing catch up for a while. I’m a lazy butt today.

I get it now!! I need to get out more!! Mmmmmmm… Subway … drool…!!!

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OI had preordered a signed copy of OM&M’s new album and all I got in the mail today is an unsigned one. What a disappointment. It stated in the description that the cover would be signed, instead you get a piece of paper like this:


That’s so scary. I’m glad you’re ok. Deep breaths and calming music. I’d still try and report it to local police. If you can give a description maybe they can look for her and alert others.


Beside deal with stupid people and slow driver thst don’t us there Turn signals when they turn I almost hit them

I’ll agree that also… but till last extent… all they should know is to respect everyone’s choices and beliefs… either religious or atheist.

(Something toots my horn! Where’s that thread?! Gotta find it!)

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I didn’t even know they released anything. What’s your opinion on it as an album? I just tried to listen to it and don’t like it, couldn’t finish a single song because they were pretty boring, sounds like 1 massive song to me. Worse than CW to me.

Really? I loved the album!

Good for you for stopping yourself but that was so uncalled for

Just wow. Never could stand people that look down on others or think they’re better than everyone else. :man_facepalming: :facepunch:

A guy I’m talking to doesn’t like kids; says babies look like monsters and aliens and the thought of having kids makes him never want to have sex again. I mean I understand people not liking and wanting kids, but that is just mean.