What grinds your gears?

I have several but here is a short list:

People who drive slow in the fast lane
People who speed through school zones while talking on their cell phones (both of which are illegal in Texas)
Solicitors, especially since I have a warning sign on the front gate!
Anyone who abuses animals and/or kids

That’s the short list!


I see you are A new soilder so welcome to the Linkin Park Family @Missyinatx

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Yes welcome

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Thanks!! I’m also probably the oldest one here!! I"m having a good time reading all the posts! Making my Friday a bit better! Anyhow, thanks for the welcome! This is gonna be fun!:sunglasses:

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Thank you!!! Looks like a great place! I get the feeling that I’ll be neglecting a lot of housework on this forum!

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That’s fine. We just try to make everyone feel welcome and appreciated here.


Welcome!! :grinning:

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In addition to the previous list, and in line with some of the other posts, I loathe parents who let their little heathen children run around a restaurant or a grocery store (or anywhere else that is not their house) screaming. One more is infants who are allowed to “cry it out” on an airplane. It always seems to happen on a non stop flight too. Thank God for the liquor cart! :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:


Thank you so much! I’m having a really great time! I need to start supper but I’m having too much fun! Perhaps it’s a Chinese take out night! :shallow_pan_of_food:


Here what grind my gears . Besides people that lie to me . Almost everything has been making me very mad.

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That would be something cause that’s what @chigokurosaki had for dinner and @Missyinatx I am glad you are enjoying your self here

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Hello! I believe the oldest member I know is 59? There might have been others before me lol nonetheless welcome and glad to have you here with us! Already can see you’ll be a fun addition to the family here :sweat_smile:


Thanks! I’m enjoying myself so far!! I do need to decide about supper though so I’ll be back on later after the kids are out for the night!

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Welcome :slight_smile:

And yes, you’re likely to experience what I call newbie syndrome :joy: Where for your first few months you make an ungodly amount of posts and then it sort of levels out to normal numbers. I definitely went through it. :joy: :joy: :joy:


So that’s what I’m going through :joy:

:flushed: I don’t think I’ve yet stopped :confused: haha

Yeah I’m definitely going through that @the_termin8r

Its amazing how Linkin Park how can bring together so many great people that care so much for one another.


The most extreme case I’ve seen is @Honey8 heuheuheu :joy:. Sorry, that was a bit of a cruel shot.


But so so true… :joy: