What grinds your gears?

I haven’t seen any of that drama on Twitter but hey, not everyone gets it. Mike is smart enough. He knows who to ignore and who not to. Besides, it’s not the first time people are aiming at him for something. It is simply how fanbases work.

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Yes but its still very inconsiderate and heartless of people to say things like that. Especially knowing how close mike and Chester were.

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They were like brothers and people that say @chigokurosaki Makes me angry

Yes. And friendships that strong are just so hard to come by nowadays. People don’t understand because they don’t have that in their lives. A lot of people just like making others lives crap just cause they’re unhappy with their own lives. Its sad really when you think about it.

I am really upset about the rejection letter. I thought I will get some help, I was sure of that. And now it came like a slap in the face. It is so hard knowing that I can’t have free counselling because I have to be either medicated or I don;t know what. I am just upset about it. That they just refused to help because they don’t have funds to do so. And to be honest it is painful. I want to do something, I wish I was able to do something to help others in the same situation as me. It is very hard and painful to see that NHS is refusing people help they need. The only option is to die. This is when they will wake up and think that maybe they should’ve helped. Because giving phone numbers to people to call if you’re suicidal is not working! If I want to kill myself I will do that without ringing stupid call centre.

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What if you were to say you ARE taking their medication in order for them to see you? :confused: I know it’s a grey area but yeah…

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nope. they are from nhs and all it takes for them is to ring my GP.

You can look outside NHS. There are so many organisations out there that can help. They are a google search away.

yeah, i have some, my friend helped me as she is in similar situation as me. It is just taugh as I thought I will get this therapy.

Right now what is happening with the Perry school district ( for you that don’t know in that school district a lot of teens have been taking their own lives and it got so bad that it made it on national news and the school is not doing anything about it because it keeps happening)

Typical. Someone is in pain or is going through something, and nobody tries to help, or even look their way for that matter. This is one of the biggest problems with people, yet it still continues to happen day after day.

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Yeah and it has really hit me hard since I actually know someone of the. People that go to Perry and I only live 10 miles form Perry

All I can say is, in the end people are gonna do what they want, but we can still try to help when things get hard. I feel like that’s a top priority as human beings that we should learn to help others and do something about those things rather than ignoring it. At least everyone on here has a heart.

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Today was another day I got reminded why I hate kids (and posh mums). Ugh!


We almost to my house until the school bus had to go back go back to the school

Go to Hampstead during the school run, all the mums there drive massive range rovers and other SUVs around the tiny streets causing jams. Drives my dad insane because the majority of his clients over the past decade or so have been in that area.


I feel you on that. Kids today will never know what its like to get punished when they get in trouble or run their mouth or whatever. Makes you feel like…wtf really?!

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Depends what you mean by punished. But I just meant that I don’t like kids in general, even the ones that behave and are nice.

Oh ok. And I meant when you do something you know is wrong and your parents are supposed to discipline you for it. Most kids get off free anymore. And its just the ones that act out and be disrespectful that I don’t like.

True, most of them do. Thankfully there are a few sane parents left out there.

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