What grinds your gears?

I do this all the time when there’s not a shortage of seat…

2 reasons :

  1. When you have a ton of books/papers inside, a bag can be really heavy… and when I’m on a two-hours long ride, as there’s not enough space to put my bag on the floor or underneath my seat, I have to put it on my legs… They become numb :joy:

  2. Keeps the creeps away as @framos1792 said.


Creepy, stupid, two faced ,wannabe something people…


Your basically desricing the people I have to go to school with expect my friend Kate she Is. Not like that b

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Helicopter season has begun again. :rage:


Now I imagined a cargo helicopter dropping hundreds of foxes.


Soo bad! :fearful: And you have many going around near your house… you’ve mentioned that before… annoying sounds!

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dumbness in general


No, fox season isn’t for another few months thankfully.

Another year is beginning… :cry:


Sad news this… I’m really sorry for her fans and family. Don’t hold the tear, let them go out.


It so sad to see another voice gone . :cry:


It’s like Reaper came to gether crops of those who had sold the soul for talent.


People at work.
The thing is I live at work rent free. My contract says it’s rent free as long as I’m on call 2 or 3 nights per week. But the people at work keep telling me stuff like “why you went to the town when you know person a always calls in sick”. Well I’m off so I can go wherever whenever I want. Or I’m going out they are talking about work to me. Or apparently I have to be flexible because I live rent free.
I know that my boss knows when I’m supposed to be available and I can say no when I’m off and they ask me to cover. I’m not a slave and living there is bad enough and I have to listen to it all.


Most of the people I go to school with

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That exercising can make you sore.

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Sending strength and wishes to family and fans… :pray::sparkles::sparkles: :pensive:

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Southern railway. Late again

I actually heard on the radio this morning that they were voted worst train company in the UK for the 3rd year in a row I think.

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Stability is a mark of quality.


On the topic of public transport. I noticed that this week all the buses I’ve been on have gotten an annoying software update or something where an “AI” voice pipes up and says “Please hold on, the bus is about to move” usually a good 10 secs after the bus has set off. The trains not shutting up was enough of an annoyance as it is but now the buses too? :rage: