What grinds your gears?

So, today, at around 10:30am the power went out out of the blue, nothing was working and we couldn’t get it back on for a good 10min. After we did, the fuse for the tills and part of the coffee machine kept failing and we didn’t know why. We ended up closing by 11am cause we literally couldn’t do anything.

I was on the phone with the office and people from our coffee supplier company trying to figure stuff out while I was having a major panic attack inside because it had to happen WHEN I’M IN CHARGE for the day.

Long story short, I managed to switch some plugs and mess with cables and whatever and got the tills and the coffee machine working again so we opened again after about an hour. I don’t know what we’re going to do tomorrow but bloody hell… today has been intense!

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Hope tmro goes a better and you don’t need to mess up much.

This is been annoying me for a long time but why do so many women (NOTE I’M NOT SAYING ALL) have the pathological need to take up an entire seat with their handbag on public transport? Obviously some guys do it too, but I see it more often with women.

On Fri I was on the train coming home from uni and it wasn’t too full and there were about 5 or 6 women in our carriage and every single one was taking an extra seat with their handbag. Granted they were doing no harm in this instance as there wasn’t a shortage of seats, but I see women do it even when there are people who could take the seat. I’ve only ever put my bag on the seat next to me once or twice, my bag stays on the floor even if I’m literally the only one in the train.

So I ask, why does this happen? I really don’t get it.


I’ve always assumed it’s to keep the " creeps" away or at least from not sitting beside them


Get some rest :slight_smile:

It just occurred to me that it might be a dirt related thing. That’s one of the reasons I don’t put my bag on seats, it’s been everywhere.

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Ot: emergency services sending warning alerts to all cellphones on Hawaii saying a ballistic missile was on its way and to take shelter…
Took them 30! Minutes to figure out it had been a mistake by somebody
That’s just horrible, heard people were calling loved ones panicked from hotels :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Oh damn. That’s a pretty big screw up. But why would anyone want to attack Hawaii?

Two reasons:

They have heavy things inside.

They are idiots.

I tend to do it just when I go to the market (like today) because is more easy for me (and less painful for my backbone) leave the bag besides me that try to carry since the floor of the bus to my backbone again and then get off the bus.

North Korea has constantly threatened to do so

Does any solider live Hawaii and of so please. Be safe seening hopes your way

How heavy can a medium sized handbag be?

Lift with your legs.

Well in terms of targets the only upside to Hawaii is that it’s remote. There are other far better targets to aim for.

I think @susie88 is but I haven’t seen her around in a while
If things go well this year I’ll be going too for a visit, it was one of my goals/resolutions for this year haha

As for the target, it was more that it’s the closest location besides Alaska and Guam, and because it was pretty much the only thing in their missiles’ range-that apparently has changed recently but it’s still a big target apparently, enough for them to have public service announcements and stuff here and there


There are 2 reasons why, actually 3 reasons why I’d put my bag on seat rather than the floor:

  1. Cos my bag is so damn fat - and the space between seats is so narrow, it just won’t fit between the seats to get it on the floor (yes my bag needs to lose weight :rofl: )
  2. Because I need to organise my life (put stuff in my wallet, find my keys, find money, pack stuff properly, untangle my headphones etc).
  3. Because I just can’t be assed.

However - if the bus is filling up - then I will always move it…but if there are still spare seats - then, all 3 points generally apply.

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The size argument is invalid if you see how big my bag has been, @NickGr can relate. :joy:


I just have to take mine off when I walk into transport , otherwise i wouldn’t fit :joy::joy::joy:


I don’t know, people tend to be very lazy and carefree. Or maybe they are just idiots as I said before Jaja.

When it’s possible I do it.

I hope that everything will be fine soon in Hawaii.


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When u do everything in the house and no one helps u with anything.

That’s like saying people are not allowed to talk about whatever they feel like.

Sorry that not what I mean to say .people can talk about whatever they what. I will Correct myself. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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