What grinds your gears?

Dobby dying in the Harry Potter series :rage::sneezing_face:


@turners34 He’s a kiwi - so, he probably just was like, “yeah nah that shiz just too hard to do - best not make a dick of myself trying to do a cover of CB” :slight_smile:


What?! How can you find that sad? I was so happy to see that annoying sod’s demise. I don’t get why people love him as a character. It’s not like he was well established or anything.

I know! I was crying my eyes out. And then Fred and Tonks and Lupin. I hate JKRowling


Yeah no can sing Chester But Chester his voice was just to magical

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That got me too

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A - it’s retardic. I don’t want to give that much of an info to an online service
B - can’t use it because of local stupid laws. PayPal requires you to be 18yrs old and local laws require you to fill out passport data when getting yourself a credit card. So when you connect the credit card to PayPal… oops
C - Ebay accepts only PPL which is also stupid. I do prefer Amazon but they sometimes don’t deliver here


Wtf :joy: you just don’t insult Dobby like that! Dobby is a free elf!


Do I look like I care? :joy: He was an annoyance for the sake of comic relief that was killed by a damn good knife throw.


What can we expect from the guy who shed a tear when the terminator’s red eye went out at the end of the movie without getting a chance to kill all those people? Lol


And he looked like putin.


Dobby does? Let me check.



When you ask for a ride to he gets mad at you for asking hem do do something for you. but don’t get mad when someone else call hem and ask for a ride. This get me mad.

Don’t get mad…get even :wink:

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This was so my day. I rushed to the bus stop this morning, tripped over my own feet and fell on the busway [we have a road for the bus here] with mud and dirt all over my office skirt. Clients were totally weird today. And later when I tried a latte macchiato with coconut milk instead of normal milk, the coconut milk smelled rotten and tasted even worse. The girl behind the counter claimed coconut milk always smelled that way… But I got a refund, though.

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Damn, are you ok now?

I’m fine, thanks :slight_smile: My back and arm is a bit sore but nothing serious.


Oh wow! What a day!!! Now you should rest and hopefully tomorrow will be better


Crap!!! What a stink day man - but hey, it’s the weekend now…hopefully things will settle down to cruise mode again!

The way yo mended it was great. You rock engineer! :+1::+1:

Happened here too. But not the whole country

Here there were some strikes going on. The buses were not working and cabs refused to leave people… that day i had to walk to home. Lucky that i had a friend with me at least i could talk and walk… or I’d have got bored… :confused:
In the end we both were tired. I went home and couldn’t even rest cause i had accounts teat day after the morrow…

I know… lack of punctuality… seems like they are not interested in the work… that get into veins sometimes. I really hate that a lot. I mean they are wasting their own time and someone others’ too!

Old is gold. Love yourself.

[quote=“framos1792, post:3529, topic:11964, full:true”]
Dobby dying in the Harry Potter series
Oh i know that part! Literally! A sad one…but it was a nice movie :+1::+1:

Oh yeah… He does… lol a bit!!! Ohoo… i never knew that!!!

Oh… take some rest @gatsie … you’ll feel better :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay… so it was approximately 30 mins to summarize this… lets get on the other one…

Before that on topic: i am getting to know that i have more busy days in feb. It isn’t like I’ll go away cause i am not going to do that again. I’ll be online here. But yea… still i wanted to enjoy some more… hectic days start Monday… :neutral_face: