What grinds your gears?

LOL. If I know the person’s habits, I’d compensate for it to begin with. I wouldn’t tell them though as then they’d just get complacent.

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My job. When the pretty and sexy people are on shift my boss comes and covers when they are short when I’m here the ugly duckling I can work when I’m short staff. Life’s so not fair!

Don’t get me started with people being late. I absolutely hate it. I mean, I don’t understand how they can be late. You know the time you need to be somewhere so freaking calculate how long you need to commute and get ready. I expect people to be where they’re supposed to be 5min before said time. I go insane otherwise.


We have a saying here - Island time…this accounts for being 10-15 minutes late.
My family however use the saying Indian time - this accounts for anything between 30 minutes to half a day late…:laughing:


Rigth now it is Walmarts tech support I bought I 50$ phone card that didn’t work Then I tried To get the money back and they said it was too late we can’t gave you the money back because a phone card is nonrefundable so I stuck with a phone card that doesn’t work and I lost 50$

Going to school just to find out it was called off and no one told me we were called off now I suck here until my mom comes which could be forever and school started at 715 the call came at 637 so I was all ready on the way there

Hey, that just gives you more time to blast Walmart with $50 worth of phone calls…lol

When people talk over me at work while I’m explaining something. Talking over me in general too.


yeah that would make me mad too @melissa320

I found a grey hair! I am getting old


Ugh, stupid greys. I have way too many

This one was my first one. I am scared now!!!

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Eh, they’re just a sign of…life experience? I got nothing lol.

I hate that too it get so Frustrated when people do that . I know how u feel.


When you order some food and they get it wrong and you tell them 3 times

I was watching a video on YouTube were they were playing tribute to all the musicians were lost in 2017 they had one for chuck berry one for the guitarist of ACDC one for Tom Petty and a few others and they even did one for Chirs Connell but that video left out someone real Important that died last year they Forgot Chester Bennington In the tribute to all the musicians that
have died last year now of Crouse the person doing it was a country singer named kieth ubran so I wasn’t expecting much but he could do one for Tom petty and one for Chirs Connel but he couldn’t take 5 seconds to a tribute for Chester Bennington

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What video is it? I like Keith urban :frowning: especially his guitar solos…

Edit: I just saw it and noticed a lot of people were commenting on it- looks more like an accident than anything, he did quite a few in the medley

If you want I will try and post it on here of my stupid phone will let me @framos1792

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OK I trust you @framos1792 cause I never really look at comments on YouTube

Oh nah everyone is up for interpretation haha
Maybe he is being a complete ayehole haha but as far as I know of him he’s one of the humbler people up there :slight_smile:

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