What grinds your gears?

My parents call me my sister’s name a lot

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i do that to my brother’s kids…i’ll even add whatever one you are :joy: my sister in law does it, and even adds the dog’s name, Addie :joy::joy::joy:

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Tfw he’s talking about you but you hear it clearly. :expressionless:

So the guy that was supposed to come today to fix the leaky roof was supposed to be here at 09:00, it’s now almost 12:00 and no sign of him. No messages, no phone call to say he can’t make it, nothing. :rage:

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Mix up at work today caused me to be by myself for 45 freaking minutes! I almost died.

Trains. Again on strike and all the trains are cancelled. I hate trains.

That sucks @rorybourdon

Update: The clown turned up at 14:00, 5h after he was supposed to, with no apology or anything.

LOL - tradies…same all over the world! :exploding_head:

My family hates rubbish punctuality, we take it pretty seriously. When we say we’ll be somewhere at a given time, we’re there, if not even earlier. And if we’re late we’re usually kicking ourselves over it.


You’d hate my workplace then - everyone turns up to meetings 7 minutes late…I don’t know why it’s 7 minutes…it just always is. At my previous workplace it was 5 minutes.

I think it’s lack of respect for other peoples time - like their own time is more valuable than yours. It sux - but I’m not perfect - I always seem to underestimate the time it takes to get places.

5 minutes is acceptable, 10 is not too bad for me. But 5 bloody hours is idiotic. My family is a pretty serious bunch, they’re no BS type people…for the most part.


Atleast he turned up - those are the best…the ones that never show…!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Sorry he made you waste 5 hours of your time wanting 5 hours late I agree with you that is bs

He came just as my parents were leaving the house to go shopping. It has a ripple effect. And he was only here for 10 mins. The worst part is that we all had to get up before 09:00.

Such people don’t usually earn a living by repairing roofs.

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Unless you’re my dad heuheuheu :joy: . But he does all sorts of things, not just roofs. Being punctual is actually a massive part of retaining a good reputation (which obviously he needs and has).


Being talk to like I’m a child and look at me like I’m stupid when i tell u not to talk to me like i’m your kid.

Yeah I let a full job go just because the dude made me wait an hour into our meeting one evening
You’re late 5 mins and people give you crap about it but they do it and they expect you to be cheery

On a similar note though, back in high school we had a running joke about setting up times because we’d all be late about the same time to play soccer
Ended up coming up with “beaner time”
Hey let’s meet at 6?
6 beaner time or real time?
Beaner time-
oh ok see you at 7!