What grinds your gears?



i came back from the toilet forgot the glass of wine was on my bed and spilled it! frack my life!

What a waste of wine!


i know! especially that it was very good!


oh yes! wine :heart:

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The buses are going on strike tomorrow throughout the entire country. Meaning I have to walk to work and I’m working the evening shift. Nothing beats walking through the streets on a cold evening :confused:

Hooray for Dutch public transport :sob:

Out of the teachers for political science I get the trump supporter as my professor so I will probably fail the class because I refuse to gave up what I believe just to get an A at least this isn’t a high school class and it’s a college class and I would have been fine if they put me with any other professor but no I have To get the Trump supporter as my professor


Spoiled kids acting like brats without respect and manners. -.-

Then you can’t last 5 minutes in my school @evooba cause that’s all they do

couldn’t agree more.

I have to add something…my parent’s (dad and stepmom) used to tell me (however they did) not to act like a spoiled brat. They’d buy the clothes, toys, and others things I wanted within reason. Told me to take care of my things blah blah; told me if I acted like a spoiled brat, that it would stop. So back in August of 2016, stepmom and I are at my brother’s in Oklahoma; she, my sister in law, and went to get some clothes for my brother’s kids. My niece did get a few more items than her brothers and she happens to point it out and as she does, my stepmom goes, “Keep that up and I won’t buy you another thing! Just ask aunt Laura, I told her the same thing when she was younger.” And boy did she get this look on her face…lol.

So, I had planned to leave work early today so I could go to a store nearby to repair my tablet. I was in contact with the store a few days ago to get a quote and everything… so I followed the directions and arrived there only to find a different store. I looked around but couldn’t find it anywhere. I don’t know what’s up… they have various stores around London and I’m going to try and go to another one tomorrow to see what’s up but hell, what a waste of time.

Are you sure you got the directions right? You might have misjudged a distance or taken a wrong turn.

I am yeah, cause I’ve been there before. Instead of the said store it was a different one (different name) but same services.

Did you go inside and ask just to make sure?

No, I didn’t. It looked like one of those random stores you don’t really know how reliable it is. Didn’t want to risk anything.

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Having my dad call me every name but mine . Is not hard .

Oh my mum does that to me all the time. I’ve inherited it, I do that at work all the time.
It’s not personal - it’s the mind being a jerk ass, the synapses that are supposed to fire, just kind of sit there and smoulder instead - we don’t mean anything by it, I promise!