What grinds your gears?

Yeah. Dad had to buy new one… same thing happened here…

Yep! :joy:

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So… Once again, you’ve had to break it down to that creepy old guy that you consider him just a friend. Once again you had to tell him it will never be anything but friendship, because he is old enough to be your dad. And the guy also happens to be the drummer of the band. And the guy decides to ditch the band, leaving you without a drummer for Christmas…


So, I paid for an Amazon delivery to choose a specific day and now, they mailed me saying they’ll be delivering a day early. Like, I freaking paid to get it when I want to, not earlier -.-

Not having the money I need to get gift this year my job Screw me over with my over time. :rage:

When their, there and they’re are used incorrectly. :rage:


along with your and you’re…both aggravate me lol

When someone emails you (and has to type in your name into the To: field), but still greets you with a completely different name/spelling altogether…SERIOUSLY…you had to type it once already…is it THAT difficult?? :open_mouth:

The one day I decided to ride the bus home instead of taking the tube the traffic was insane -.-

Those [spoiler]two feet assholes[/spoiler] who poison animals… I found a dead poisoned cat at my doorstep… The third within this month…

People telling me what to do. Or what to think. Recently this is what is happening

But you SHOULD think this way :joy::joy::joy::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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Tell these people to sod off :grin:

That’s disgusting. Why do they do that?

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I have no idea… But really, if I ever find one that gives the poisoned food I will feed it to him/her…


Well if animals continually eat something of mine that they shouldn’t then I’d poison them too, but if it’s for another reason then it’s not really justified.

Having a stupid friend that doesn’t listen to you when u try to help them


When you update Stagelight and your songs get butchered

This grinds my gear.
Bez tytułu

When you order the Kerrang! edition - CB’s special edition - from [spoiler]newsstand[/spoiler], and it doesn’t arrive, and so you send them emails, and they don’t respond. And so you dispute it through paypal, and [spoiler]newsstand[/spoiler] ask retarded questions, and still haven’t confirmed whether it even got sent, and then you have to escalate to paypal - and you realise you’ll never get a copy. :exploding_head:

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Which kerrang? there were few special editions