What grinds your gears?

Some words about mimosa there.


@hilaryfol, @the_termin8r - just to confirm - in the car park today, as I was walking back to my car, I held the car remote, and pushed the button heaps and nothing happened - the second I moved it to my brain and pushed the button - it worked.
I am not making it up…I swear…

OT: When you log a job with the service desk that something is broken - and then the IT dude rings you back - and it’s magically fixed itself. Has happened to me 3 times this week :confused:

I think, this is how it works:

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With a tv remote it is usually infrared. So it depends on what the object is.

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Not working when I put my PS gamepad infront of the receiver.

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Aren’t these Bluetooth?

I mean, the remote signal doesn’t pass through the ps controller.

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A mosquito bit me on the forehead!!! It’s November mosquitoes… Go away!!!


Paying lp shipping then getting email a bit later saying free shipping through Monday :expressionless:


Oh no sister- they bite me ALWAYS on the face- but its real late for them- must be mutants- take this :hugs:

They are Godjillas kids!!! The same mosquito targeted my son, I didn’t kill it (I missed) but he is bite free!!!

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That’s the destiny of us moms lol- target are the kids but bit are we :joy:

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I’ve killed a whole village around them!!! When they are near me they always bite me!!!:joy::joy::joy:


Some days I hate people more than I usually do, today I feel like murdering everyone.


I thoroughly concur …becoming almost hypomanic and the sound of people around me is putting me on the edge of homicidal… So I’m watching crime shows and living vicariously

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Going to the Laundromat trying to wash my Clothing and someone take your clothes out the washer so they can use it

I have found that 99.9999999% of the time, people are idiots. All you can do, is look down at them all and laugh hysterically for no reason. This, should prevent any murderous intent from becoming reality.

or waiting forever and a day for people to come and take their stuff out of the washer/dryer :roll_eyes:

Got scoldings today morning -_-

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come get some hugs my dear :hugs: you are good- right the way you are, and moms ( me myself too) can just suck sometimes :grimacing:

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