What grinds your gears?

Wanna move? You mentioned this before.

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I am moving this week. :slight_smile:


Much luck with it. Hope, your new neighbourhood will be more quiet.


Good luck friend. Hope you find comfortable and calm environment there. :hugs:


@jabinquaken @Honey8 thank you guys!

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Apparently over here a train being 20 mins behind schedule is considered a minor delay.

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And I thought the delays over here were bad… :sweat_smile:

When it comes to organisation and discipline this country is pretty much a laughing stock. There isn’t a single morning here where I don’t hear of signal failure somewhere on the lines here.

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i had christmas music playing while i was cleaning my parent’s house on friday and my stepmom was singing and i could not stand it. i wanted to yell at her to stop so badly.:tired_face::neutral_face:

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We don’t have signal failure here, we just have lazy public transport people who also can’t tell the time…


Thats it. Just lazy public. They are damn slow in everything!

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< beware - sarcasm coming >
I just want to watch the advertisements in TV and they cut them with a movie!! So outrageous!!!
</ end of sarcasm >

[A.k.a. I so HATE tv advertisements! I hear one twice and I know it by memory, it’s played over and over in my brain!!! The more stupid they are, the more they repeat!!! :tired_face: ]


All ads are stupid! As said onec by @ironsoldier16 in his thread. Half of the things shown are stupid nonsense and other half are ads! :joy: That’s why i never watch tv!


Well I have one-two things to watch in TV - just one or two a day, sometimes even less. The programme has 45 minutes, but it goes 1:30h+ because all the rest are advertisemets!

I understand that they have to live of something, but this is brainwashing! And there are people who believe the ads like it were Gods words! :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

And you know what, according to my mom… she says the ads should be shown till 2-3 hrs continuously and then nowhere in middle of shows!!

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And she’s right!

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When u doing something for someone from the kinds of your heart. And u don’t even get a thank you

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My Lenovo Tablet had a crack in the glass and since I still had a year of warranty I send it to the factory for repairs. But they say it’s going to cost me to have it fixed. The price to fix the tablet is more than what the tablet cost me in the store when I bought it…

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Is this legit?
Can you say you dont want to fix it for that price?

When u your friend Introduce you to some one they been Gavin ride to the store and u meet them for the first time they say hi but don’t talk to u when u in the car . They talk to your friend . And ack like u not in the car.

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