What grinds your gears?

I hope you feel better soon, vitamin c

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Oh no, get well soon!

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Get well soon :slight_smile:

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People giving their unwanted advice -you should dye your hair that or that colour -you should make money from knitting or else is a waste of time and money - tell your daughter to not be shy…

I never asked for any of these!!!

Same here! I want hypersomnia.
Last night was greeeeaaaatt!! 8 hrs sleep after big weeekkksss!! I was feeling so fresh. But wanted to sleep more at the same time! Lool! :joy:

Here we have a good frequency of buses. But the thing that grinds my gears are people. We have to walk a crowded market to reach bus stop and people walk damn slow! Just because of them many buses have went away in front of my eyes and I can’t get on it.! Why the walk so slow. And this happens every time! :angry:

Sorry i didn’t get u??

No intention to hurt anyone here. Sorry if i do!

Its true. Many a times when they get into relationship they don’t like to be out with friends. Its a common psychology that they want to spend more of time with that person.
This happens with most of teenager usually. not all .
You can try telling her about the days uou were together and how you enjoyed together. I am not sure this will work but might. No idea…

Probably this is better! :joy: I recommend this!!!

Shut up. It isn’t like that. You are not alone. Not at all. We all are here living. (sorry for being bit rude :see_no_evil:)

Probably try my first recommendation . Dunno if it works or not. Don’t be into telling so much. Just leave if she doesn’t agree. (I would have left after telling once -_- silly people)

Oh!!! I just typed that!! Same thinking or probably common thing… :sweat_smile:

Agreed ! :+1:

How are you feeling now?

Are you okay. Take care. Its been days i didn’t hear you :hushed:

Happens here too. Unwanted advice. We have a phrase in our native language for that… in English it would sound smthng like
Hear it from one ear and take out from another dont keep in mind. Lol :joy:

Sorry!! I made such a big post again!!! :scream:
Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The thing is we’re not teenagers. And I will talk to her after we’re back from New Zealand to not fight before

We have the same phrase too!!!

When I started any kind of relationship (dating or now that I am married) I told them that I have friends and my friends are important too… I still go out and have fun with my friends…it’s my “me time” which is very important to me as a person… But many people get absorbed by their relationships… You could try reconnect but it will be difficult… You will decide if it’s worth waiting for the “honeymoon” to end ( @rorymcgarrett)

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I hope it works. I was just telling it happens with most teenager. I know with adults too. Thats common psychology as @jabinquaken also said.
I hope talking would work. But i can make her angry. Still try.

Lol. I didn’t knew it!!

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Well I guess I will see what will happen when we come back from New Zealand. If she will be willing to meet up. I won’t be asking anymore. Let’s see if she’ll come to me. If not well then we were never friends.

Or she thinks that you will understand… And you won’t mind of her behaviour…

I told her we haven’t seen each other since August but she said we are going to NZ soon. I will talk to her at the end of our trip. And let’s see. I think we started to fall apart after Chester died. I was sad and she was annoyed with my sadness and constant talking about Chester. And she started new relationship then and she was more interested in this than what I have to say. And since she moved in with him things are even worse than they were. She’s not even texting me. She never even once asked me how I feel. So I’m playing this game as well the trip is my dream and she’s the driver. I don’t want it to escalate into massive fight.

It’s tough situation… She doesn’t but do you text her? Maybe she was annoyed and she wants to see that you feel better(not many people understand the level of sadness about Chester) … It’s really difficult situation

Oh yes. I was texting her and even when she said she is not going as her boyfriend is not going I asked why she doesn’t want to come just with me for a ladies night and she never replied. Just ignored my message and that happened with many more. I guess it’s always me. Always lonely. Easily making new friends but never able to keep them for long

That sucks and no it’s not your fault… You are not responsible for other peoples actions… And never say these things…

But it’s happening a lot

This doesn’t mean anything… Non compatible people with us are everywhere around…you just should not lose hope!

Perfect!! I also do the same when my Friends ignore me. You wanna come then do. Or just get lost! Still i highly recommend to talk first if you both can continue those old days :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess only LP soldiers can understand this pain. That’s why even i tried to share with friends but then just let it be…

My mum on the beginning was like Chester was just singer you never knew but she took the time to listen to me. She asked to see the videos and she listened to me even if I knew she wasn’t really interested. Just let me talk and that was it. Especially that I was always there for her

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My husband hugged me and told me that he is sorry… People are different…and some can be pretty bad… Only 2 friends know how.I feel about this whole thing…
Not all friends are for every subject that crosses our minds… (my childhood friend and godmother of my daughter is very cynical (to a b**** level) she doesn’t know how I feel about it…except that I was sad…
So maybe she is your friend for some other things in your life…

Hey there @Honey8! I’m just fine , thanx for caring :hugs::hugs:
It’s okay ab your post, hope you’ll come here more often