What grinds your gears?

@rorymcgarrett its good to hear that. Your mom is very nice :relaxed:

@NickGr you are welcomed. yep i will try to be regular


Still sick. Doc gave me meds. Meds are nice. Good omnomnom


Aww good to hear you are okay. Get well soon! :muscle: And have a good day :partly_sunny: . Dont stress much. :slightly_smiling_face:

When you get up super fucking early on seroquel (very difficult) to study some shit in another time zone and then you realise you forget to account for daylight savings and get to the course an hr late. Upon finishing realise that chester still really is gone and some fuckwit left me without any coffee for the morning at home. …what grinds my gears? Call me a bad driver because clearly I grind my own gears

On my day off i get up early like 6 am and i what to sleep in and i can’t because of my next door neighbor making so much noise of there kids getting really to to go to school and it wakes me up from a long night at work. That what grinds my gears. !


this, but this, from my point of view - doesn´t mean the friends become less loved. But as life is changing with each day we live, relations do. I made the experience that the rate of contact and the feeling of being near to my friends corelates with each other, so…this is the error I guess- but it´s just caused by a lack of time mostly… in these busy days for everybody… life just got faster, but actually I feel bonded to my friends also I do not have talks each day- but if it comes to, then it is just always again the feel oif nearness from up the first sentences… and I know just that I can rely on them as they can on me- nontheless…

… I feel ashamed that I had to get it right here and now, that my VERY close and :heart: friend wrote 6 days ago that she is still ill- (already 6 days ago that she posted it and I didn´t saw it until now…) yeah, and this shit just happens without purpose then… :hugs: @gatsie - hope ya better!!! Will pm you…

… it´s only human as we are…

on topic: internet connection issues @samuel_the_leader

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Well actually she texted me if I want to meet up. So maybe she is changing or realised that she was ignoring me


That’s a good thing :slight_smile: I hope everything will be ok :slight_smile:


Ah shiiiit

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@gatsie do you feel better??

Why ??? Why the [spoiler]fuck[/spoiler] I read comments under artcles about??? Why??? Trolling should be illegal and being an idiot too…

I have absolutely had it with fireworks. It was Diwali yesterday and my neighbourhood sounded like a war zone until 01:00 . My beef isn’t that people want to celebrate a religious festival, they can knock themselves out; what I do have a beef with is them going mad before and after the date of the celebration. :rage: :rage: :rage:

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If you were german,you would have called police right away. No matter what holiday if they break the law.

It’s not illegal to light fireworks over here. Besides, the police wouldn’t be able to respond to every complaint. I was coming home late yesterday and I go through a sizable chunk of west London with the train to get home and there were fireworks almost everywhere.

You should make some noise to annoy them tomorrow haha


They won’t stop tomorrow either.

Anybody else issues with the ios- 11.xxx update? :rage: my screen keeps freezing :dizzy_face:

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Being at work and someone ask me the stupidest question. I ever herd. It make me mad that they ask the same thing almost every day.

Sometimes I wonder am I overly sensitive or some things are just wrong???

Nope, nothing at all… hmm
What’s your IPhone model?