What grinds your gears?

Oh don’t worry I’ve contacted health inspector about it today. That place is going down for serving raw chicken!

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Damn straight. That is just freaking unsat man. Hope they do too. There just seems to be too much incompetence out in the working world anymore. That, or people just don’t care.

Yeah, I feel ya. I have dealt with my fair share of people like that. Makes you wonder how anyone like that can even hold a job. Because you know, no matter where they go or how long they have been working. Even years down the road. They will still have that mentality. lol so bad it almost makes me want to laugh out of the sheer stupidity of some people. :laughing:

Very irritating! Here in India you are gonna find a lot of population… i hate that moment when you walk in market crowd and the people in front are walking so slow! They wobble more than walking!!

What??? Damn! This is bad…

Its okay you will find them somewhere. I don’t know anything about lego so can’t say… just can hope you find them …

I didn’t find them. :rage: I tried ‘resurrecting’ 5 of my old sets. I only managed to finish 1. I’ll write more about it in my thread tomorrow.


:scream: so in the end you can’t find all the pieces… at this point it’s possible that they were lost when you moved house… :confused:

They can’t have been. We moved everything ourselves. I’ll keep looking tomorrow.

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Yes!keep the faith! You’ll find them! :muscle:

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Local public utilities report about 2 billion UAH (77 million $) gas dept, so we don’t have hot water for 3 weeks now and they probably won’t provide it in the near future.
The heating season is close enough. Interesting… will we have the warmth here or are we supposed to buy some kind of a tent?

So is there winter now? :hushed:

:scream: in the cold season!? :sneezing_face:

It’s fall. September coming to an end and the temperature is about 20. Going lower each day.

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Thats bad! No hot water… it would be so chill there!.. isn’t there any solution?? :thinking:

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October will be freezing… no heating working here, at school :see_no_evil:

:flushed: take something warm to wear…

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If you need warm water then you might want to find an electric water heater or boil water and then let it cool a bit and use it.

No way to place it and I won’t do it in a hired flat.

That’s our standard method :slight_smile:

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Even we use it. :slightly_smiling_face: Good to see at least one solution

My landlady. We told her no one would be in the house today for some workers to come in and she freaking sent them and of course no one opened the door and now she’s sending us nasty emails saying how irresponsible we are. Like, we told you all of us are at work, why the f*ck did you send the workers? She’s such an idiot! -.-

Why didn’t she give them keys? Whenever my dad goes to work at a client’s house (whether they live in it or not) they give him a set of keys.

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