What grinds your gears?

When you get an odd value like that test it a couple of times. There are other sites with speed meters too. Just google ‘internet speed meter’ or something along those lines.

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The garage was CLOSED. How?!


There’s always a way… :joy: :cat:

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Ordered Pho, soup from a Vietnamese restaurant. Delivery was 30 minutes late. The delivery boy doesn’t know Dutch or English. He only seemed to know the word sorry and kept apologizing… He also brought free drinks. He didn’t even want to receive the payment.

Once we sat down to eat I found out why. The chicken in the soup was so raw it could still lay eggs! The soup tasted like dishwater. When I tried contacting the restaurant, they kept hanging up on me. I know they hang up on me because it rang a few times and then suddenly went to voicemail and the other times it rang once and then went to voicemail.

Wanted to surprise my mom with a nice Vietnamese dinner and now we all have bad stomach aches because of the food :angry: :nauseated_face:

Damn. I’m a bit confused as to why you still ate it though.

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Well after we discovered how bad the soup was, we didn’t eat anymore of it of course. But I guess eating just a spoon of that bad soup made all of us sick to the stomach.

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I’ve had that happen sadly :mask: from favorite pho place too…the time it happened even their egg rolls had an off taste
The owner said she hadn’t been there that day and offered more free food I was like no thanks and sadly never went back :pensive:

Oh no nick! There must be a way!

That’s really bad @gatsie . You had right intentions of surprising mom… went bad… :confused:

The possibility of food poisoning especially from under cooked chicken is no joke.

Not sure how a place like that can stay in business. Because more than likely that isn’t the first time something like that has happened.

I would have been uber pissed and contacted a food/health safety inspector or something.

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I wanted to kill everyone at work today, I hate working with slow people


The slow are irritating. I can’t stand slow eaters. My sister is the biggest culprit of this. It takes her literally 10 mins to finish a 15cm Ikea hotdog.

I feel ya there. Especially when it comes to work. I work a night shift job at a farm market. I load produce on trucks for morning delivery. There is this guy I work with. He does everything in his power to stretch the night out as long as possible. What makes matters worse. He is the biggest douche. If he is in a bad mood, he makes everyone else around him miserable. He throws these tantrums and starts throwing crap and making a mess. And makes you wonder why he is divorced lol. He has a kid which he sees maybe twice a year for a week at a time. I understand he has child support to pay but he does make the job so much harder than it really needs to be. To top it off. He always takes the easiest picks to load on to the trucks and then bitches at us when one of the other 3 guys working get a credit for having a missing product on a truck. lol.

I’ve told the guys I work with to call for f*cking help when they need to and can’t handle it even when I’m on break but no. One of them today thought it’d be a brilliant idea to brave the coffee machine by themselves without help. I went back after my break to find a mess and a lot of angry customers. When I asked why they didn’t call for help they said it was alright and could handle it. -.- It made me furious… and then they wonder why I don’t trust them.


I’m really annoyed now. I somehow seem to have misplaced about a litre of Lego pieces somewhere. What’s worse is that I have not clue where they could be. Several hundred pieces of Lego don’t just vanish and I’ve never separated my pieces before. Sure I keep them in multiple boxes but I keep them all in one place. :confused:

:scream: :flushed: check well in every place of your house… maybe the garage or a storage room? Try to remember the last time you used these kind of pieces… ( I see that the lego pieces are expensive… :money_mouth_face: )

I’ll be looking through my sister’s collection tomorrow. She might have taken them a couple of years ago and forgotten to give them back. 98% of my minifigures are missing, almost all my classic lego blocks (the ones that are agony to tread on) and a few vintage (well not quite vintage but pre 2005) pieces that aren’t in production.

:scream: :flushed: (2) then search with your sister… :muscle:

Her Lego is stashed away in a cupboard in my room. :stuck_out_tongue:

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:grin: well done! So search there… :muscle:

I skimmed over the stuff yesterday evening but my mum wrapped each one in like 3 bags so that nothing went missing while we moved house earlier this year so I didn’t get to see much. I’ll open them properly later today (after I get some sleep :joy: ) .

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