What grinds your gears?

Crysis 3 online has so much potential but has be executed terribly. I’d say stick to SP. Arkham Asylum is an epic game, probably in my top 3.

sry didn’t get it

Yeah. I don’t leave a gam incomplete. except assassin’s creed 3 (not liberation)
Planned to play all batman, Arkham City is next.

I am also waiting for the new assassin’s creed origins . Its just like i don’t get much time. like playing twice a month.

SP = Singleplayer , MP = Multiplayer

ohk here everything goes singleplayer in my house…

I prefer sp too. Mp is full of annoying idiots 90% of the time.

right! :joy: :joy:

Well rn on topic… internet connection!! it is coming 0.04Kb/s :angry:

Kb? Do you live in a cave? :joy: I didn’t even know you could get speed that reads in kb these days.

Hmmm, what grinds my gears? A lot of things irk me in ways I can’t explain. However, I think the one major thing that gets my panties in a bunch is the lack of respect a lot of today’s youth has toward their parents, elderly people, and just overall people in general. On top of it, all the so called political correctness that has plagued our world. Left and Right wing extremist ideals being spread inciting violence and hate. News flash. They are both wrong.

People trying to force their political, religious or lifestyle views as the only right way. No freedom of opinion. People that speak their opinions that probably shouldn’t be said just out of respect, (sometimes its just better not to say anything at all). Just because you have an opinion doesn’t necessarily mean you need to share it. And if you do speak your opinion and it isn’t in any way shape or form insulting, offending or mean. You are a bigot a racist or a fascist. You are automatically judged and deemed wrong.

Oh and don’t get me going on about everything being offensive to everyone these days. the fact that it seems everyone is offended by something. It’s like they can’t open up a can of man suck it up grow a pair and move on. If I had a dime every time someone hurt my feelings I would be a rich man. But did never get all butt hurt about it.

Lastly. Sheep and Wolves. Lots of wolves want to take charge, incite fear, and hate cough news media outlets and politicians cough and the sheep eat it all up. Will believe only what they learn from the news and their poilticians they they full heartedly support and will defend with an iron fist. Even if they are crooked and bad. They refuse to think for themselves.

That is pretty much it. Sorry if I took the What Grinds your Gears too literally lol.

Yup, and no wifi here cuz there is a blackout.

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That just straight up sucks. :no_mouth:

Lol, buon appetit, we should consider to talk here again Sam :stuck_out_tongue:

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When you wanto make a cheesecake but your large cakevorm is broken, which you discover only when the cheesecake batter is already made. So you use the small springform instead and a few bowls, knowing that it’ll be a sucky job to get the cheesecake out of the smaller bowls.

So much for an attempt to make a cake. I better go to the store and get myself a larger cakevorm and another batch of ingredients :frowning:

You could always get a cake pan. Line the bottom with your preferred crust and bake it in the oven like normal people do :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m making a Dutch cheesecake and they don’t need to bake in an oven. A Dutch cheesecake does have to be put in a fridge and therefor we use a springform, which is an adjustable cake pan.

But thanks for the advice. If I ever need to bake I’ll consider it.

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Have a proof…
Actually my router (WiFi) has some problems. That’s why connection is slow sometimes… but speed is always in Kb -_- that’s really bad!

Check top left corner


Oh, it’s KB. KB does not equal Kb.

KB = Kilobytes
Kb = Kilobits

1KB = 8Kb

2.4 KB = 19.2 Kb which still isn’t much. Most people read their connection in Mb.

2.4 KB = 0.02 Mb which is impossible if you can go on the forum just fine without the load time of a page measuring in minutes (literally).

Try this and see what value you get:


Ohooo thanks for the info. I didn’t knew that. I will keep that in mind.

Well here are my results… bit confused :thinking: can you plz tell

That’s more like it. The speed you want to look at is the Download as when you browse you are downloading page info to your phone in order to view it. 4Mb isn’t that great, I had 4Mb at my old house and it was ok unless I was gaming online or watching a long video. It should be fine for browsing. Ping is how quickly your phone communicates with servers. Your ping seems ok. Upload is how quickly you can upload things like files and pics.

As far as I can make out the counter on your phone is either wrong or is a readout of how much you are using right now and not how much you actually have. I’d ignore it if I were you, it doesn’t seem accurate.

Yep. But it’s okay

Even i was thinking some day that how can it be so less or i won’t be able to do anything…
My router too has some problems…
Well thanks for the info :slightly_smiling_face:

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But then mine is apparently like that according to the website:

Yesterday @theearlywalker was complaining why the internet was so bad. Yup she couldn’t send anything.