What grinds your gears?

Finally, my phone battery arived! The phone turned up! Yay!

And now it refuses to charge… :woman_facepalming:

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Gotta play with them and beat all the sh*t out of them.


That happy and meh emotion :joy:

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One thing you know, you’re helping a whiny customer. The next morning you get called in by the chef and asked why you allowed an undercover journalist to film you. Apparently this bozo spread it on social media and other dirt journalists were inspired by it to make a news item about the subject.

They apparently didn’t film my face but people who know me, will recognize my voice and such on the video. When I asked if I could see the video with my own eyes, my chef just brushed it off and said I shouldn’t worry about it and pay better attention next time I help another customer…

My co-workers and I have been searching Facebook like crazy but couldn’t find anything. I hope the video was taken down.

I can’t wait until it’s weekend…

Yep, I always try to be positive even if everything’s screwed…
I’ve been to service yesterday, it seems the phone is irreparable after all.

What!?? Why do they do that??

Well you’re supposed to watch everything or what?

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Because dirt journalists love digging up dirt about government issues.

I was there helping the customer, there was a security guard nearby. Nobody saw anything.
So yeah… Oh well. Almost weekend.


i was actually surprised when today at the document center they’ve told me to do everything from the website
I was expecting a dumbass old woman sitting in front of a desk and a gazillion-long queue. But now i’m freaking out
On the main site i need to fill in the SNILS info(completely useless paper, one of a ducking million, supposed to be for pension insurance. You pension can’t be safe in Putin’s country de-facto). And when i finallly did then i need to wait till IT WILL BE CONFRIMED AT THE PENSION STATION
Seriously - What.The.Hell. Alright, you need a useless paper. Alright, you need to confine it. But why can’t you just do it AUTOMATICALLY? You’ve got (and you waste) gazillions of money, can’t you just set up a bot that would have access to database and compare numbers and names? I’m pissed off

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Really the bot is needed there… some automatic stuff… :thinking:


When someone chew me out in front of the others.

“Imma used it yet…”

Those speakers are mine, you dumbarse -_-

And also, ugh… Stop yelling there… Don’t know how to wait -_-

What does it mean to chew someone out? This is my first time hearing this phrase.

Pretty much a phrase that means to verbally chastise, berate or reprimand someone severely. Usually involves loud borderline yelling…


Ah thanks, for a moment there I thought it was something else…

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No problem at all. I like to think I know stuff, so I just had to respond to that before anyone else did. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

bro… who wanted speakers?

I don’t game anymore but do occasionally play nova 3 and I have absolutely had it with my parents making me stop in all of the good matches. The game is so broken and laggy that a a good match is a rarity and when I finally find one my parents usually come back from shopping and make me stop and help. I get that I need to help but they time it EVERY TIME. I just had to leave a match where I was going 40/2. I usually go 20/10. :rage: :rage: :rage:

Thats soo bad! Damn! your progress were so good… 40/2!!

I can hold my own provided there isn’t lag. I was actually decent in crysis 3 on ps3. Even though I haven’t played in ages I’m still 56th for ps3 ranking score (all stats combined) and 2nd for one of the assault rifles for ps3.


Its really a nice game. My bro has played it on PC. not online…
Now a days i too don’t get time to play. Still struck with Arkham Asylum since months!