What grinds your gears?

Shitty connection rn -_-

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same here…this page was loading since a long time -_-

What if you see this D;

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I’m sleeping on it now. Mr throat hurts ;;

do you have a common spider or this one :point_up_2: at your home???

Lucky this one is fake ;-;

But we have different ones. The one I saw the other day was black and kind of thick. I’ve seen black hairy spiders. I’ve seen writing spiders…those are scary ;;

cause its grown one. Dont panic @intheend . It has went away. Have a good seep tonight :slight_smile:

I’d make a comment on how badly it was made.

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Lol :joy::joy::joy::+1:

My family gets smaller every year.

@anngelenee any problem? Are you upset? :worried:

My cousin died yesterday, we’re not too close but it’s a big loss for my moms family…

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Damn, sorry to hear that :worried:

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Oh thats bad! calm down @anngelenee . I can uderstand. Cousins are cousins. Our brothers and sisters. It dosent matter if we are close or not.
R.I.P …your cousin :pensive:

I haven’t see him for a years (last time when I was 13) maybe that’s why I feel like I didn’t know him. Thanks anyway @Honey8 :heart:


Your welcome :grinning::smiley:

Sad to hear that… Condolence :pensive:


Thank you.

I’m sorry to hear that…it’s can be very uncomfortable when you feel that way, my grandpa died a couple years ago and I didn’t know how to feel because I never met him in person that I can remember only as a baby
I hope you feel better soon and think positive, families can grow too :slight_smile: