What grinds your gears?

Right, it’s 23:17 I’ve been awake for over 38 hours. As I type this I feel fine because it is distracting me from how tired I really am, the moment I post this I’ll probably zone out and begin to nod off. I can go for longer but I don’t feel like doing myself damage. Today was a weird day, lack of sleep really messes with you.


Congo!!! 38 hours completed !!!
Treminator terminated sleep for 38 hours​:relaxed::relaxed::smiley::blush::smiley::relaxed:(kidding dont mind :wink:)

Conection’s really bad

Stupid spiders…saw one come out of my basket and it hopped on my bed and now I’m not sleeping on it. And ever since…my calendar, the picture for this month is John Cena. He’s been staring at me smiling. Even before this his smile was creepy, so I editededed his face.



Today one aunty came and started praising…wow 95% thats so great. She was saying to my mom. And my mom’s like.“So what…others get 98-99%”

It really hurts when others dont give you the value that you deserve…school topper…atleast she should have said “good”

:sob::sob::sweat: I really dont care…but somewhere inside me…it hurts sometimes… :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:still happy to be me.:+1::+1:

I found out last night that the manager has either “forgotten” (he probably did so on purpose) that I have asked to have July 3rd and 4th off. I’m going to be so pissed if he refuses to give me those days.

I have one and only day off and the rest of my friends going to the concerts or corporate events where you can’t go in.

Gotta burn the whole area down.


Actually it became 39 because weirdly I spent half an hour lying in bed trying to fall asleep.

Also why is everyone so terrified of harmless spiders? If it was like a black widow or funnel web I’d understand, but most house spiders are harmless unless you live in Australia or the middle of the Amazon.

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When you fiddle with your PC equaliser and then forget what settings you had it on originally :unamused:

When Windows suddenly crashes and have to start all over again.

Minibus. Great.

Oh. It’s sideways :see_no_evil:

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That’s what I’m like on our regular buses here in most seats, that’s why I just stand but you don’t really have a choice.

there are very less mini buses here…mostly the normal ones run.

Yeah and these too :see_no_evil:

impossible in minibuses, hard in usual buses/trams/metro( breastworks,lintels)

And my parents always wonder why people would voluntarily stand when seats are available.



I’m not going to fear for my life, l’ve been sleeping on my bed. Just super close to the edge. le cough

How bad can a house spider be? But have you seriously not slept in your bed?

They never do any harm @intheend … dont be afraid of them. @the_termin8r is right